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Nickel - Tungsten CCAs Electro-deposition Morphology Investigation

Received: 15 May 2021     Accepted: 2 July 2021     Published: 12 November 2021
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Complex concentrated alloys (CCAs), are based on mixed elements to stabilized solid solution (S.S). properties come from S.S micro-structures present special mechanical and tribological properties. Producing process of these excellent alloys cost huge amount of money and time that would be economiced if could be quantified to surface instead of bulk counterpart, due to environment and condition of industrial usages and applications. Nickel-tungsten alloys electro-deposited show Distinct properties in coating layer as the same as CCAs. Refractory elements such as; W, Ti, Mo, Hf, Nb, Zr, Ta, and V, offer high temperatures and hardness properties which made their valuable in high-tech applications. Purveying coating from an aqueous bath of 0.1 M NiSO4, M 0.5 Na2WO4 and M 0.4 Na3Cit at pH = 8 and 70°C in a cathode rotation bath (for agitation) at a speed of 200 to 750 rpm, and direct current density 0.05-1.2 A/cm2 has been investigated in presence work. Tungsten has the essential role, as refractory element, in HEAs that affects on morphology and microstructure of alloys. The amount of tungsten in plating was 45.49% by weight in direct current plating, and in 80% D.C. reach 62.8 wt% in pulse current. The percentage of tungsten in the coating is strongly affected by the pH of the solution, the current density and the percentage of Time on. The anamolous deposition system in direct current was transformed into an induction deposition system in a pulsed electroplating process. The coating morphology becomes coarser as the amount of tungsten of the coating grains increases. At low Time-on percentages, the coating morphology is layered, bladed and porous. As the percentage of Time-on increases, the layers become wider. Grain size and structure had affected by kind of current, wereas coarser grains observed in pulse deposition coating, flat appurtenant is even in DCEP process.

Published in American Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering (Volume 5, Issue 3)
DOI 10.11648/j.ajmme.20210503.12
Page(s) 44-54
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2021. Published by Science Publishing Group


Nickel-Tungsten Alloy Plating, Nickel-Tungsten CCAs, HEAs Coating, HEAs Amorphous Morphology, CCAs Coating Properties

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  • APA Style

    Jalil Ebrahimi Baran, Saeid Rastgari. (2021). Nickel - Tungsten CCAs Electro-deposition Morphology Investigation. American Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, 5(3), 44-54. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ajmme.20210503.12

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    ACS Style

    Jalil Ebrahimi Baran; Saeid Rastgari. Nickel - Tungsten CCAs Electro-deposition Morphology Investigation. Am. J. Mech. Mater. Eng. 2021, 5(3), 44-54. doi: 10.11648/j.ajmme.20210503.12

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    AMA Style

    Jalil Ebrahimi Baran, Saeid Rastgari. Nickel - Tungsten CCAs Electro-deposition Morphology Investigation. Am J Mech Mater Eng. 2021;5(3):44-54. doi: 10.11648/j.ajmme.20210503.12

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      abstract = {Complex concentrated alloys (CCAs), are based on mixed elements to stabilized solid solution (S.S). properties come from S.S micro-structures present special mechanical and tribological properties. Producing process of these excellent alloys cost huge amount of money and time that would be economiced if could be quantified to surface instead of bulk counterpart, due to environment and condition of industrial usages and applications. Nickel-tungsten alloys electro-deposited show Distinct properties in coating layer as the same as CCAs. Refractory elements such as; W, Ti, Mo, Hf, Nb, Zr, Ta, and V, offer high temperatures and hardness properties which made their valuable in high-tech applications. Purveying coating from an aqueous bath of 0.1 M NiSO4, M 0.5 Na2WO4 and M 0.4 Na3Cit at pH = 8 and 70°C in a cathode rotation bath (for agitation) at a speed of 200 to 750 rpm, and direct current density 0.05-1.2 A/cm2 has been investigated in presence work. Tungsten has the essential role, as refractory element, in HEAs that affects on morphology and microstructure of alloys. The amount of tungsten in plating was 45.49% by weight in direct current plating, and in 80% D.C. reach 62.8 wt% in pulse current. The percentage of tungsten in the coating is strongly affected by the pH of the solution, the current density and the percentage of Time on. The anamolous deposition system in direct current was transformed into an induction deposition system in a pulsed electroplating process. The coating morphology becomes coarser as the amount of tungsten of the coating grains increases. At low Time-on percentages, the coating morphology is layered, bladed and porous. As the percentage of Time-on increases, the layers become wider. Grain size and structure had affected by kind of current, wereas coarser grains observed in pulse deposition coating, flat appurtenant is even in DCEP process.},
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  • TY  - JOUR
    T1  - Nickel - Tungsten CCAs Electro-deposition Morphology Investigation
    AU  - Jalil Ebrahimi Baran
    AU  - Saeid Rastgari
    Y1  - 2021/11/12
    PY  - 2021
    N1  - https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ajmme.20210503.12
    DO  - 10.11648/j.ajmme.20210503.12
    T2  - American Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering
    JF  - American Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering
    JO  - American Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering
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    EP  - 54
    PB  - Science Publishing Group
    SN  - 2639-9652
    UR  - https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ajmme.20210503.12
    AB  - Complex concentrated alloys (CCAs), are based on mixed elements to stabilized solid solution (S.S). properties come from S.S micro-structures present special mechanical and tribological properties. Producing process of these excellent alloys cost huge amount of money and time that would be economiced if could be quantified to surface instead of bulk counterpart, due to environment and condition of industrial usages and applications. Nickel-tungsten alloys electro-deposited show Distinct properties in coating layer as the same as CCAs. Refractory elements such as; W, Ti, Mo, Hf, Nb, Zr, Ta, and V, offer high temperatures and hardness properties which made their valuable in high-tech applications. Purveying coating from an aqueous bath of 0.1 M NiSO4, M 0.5 Na2WO4 and M 0.4 Na3Cit at pH = 8 and 70°C in a cathode rotation bath (for agitation) at a speed of 200 to 750 rpm, and direct current density 0.05-1.2 A/cm2 has been investigated in presence work. Tungsten has the essential role, as refractory element, in HEAs that affects on morphology and microstructure of alloys. The amount of tungsten in plating was 45.49% by weight in direct current plating, and in 80% D.C. reach 62.8 wt% in pulse current. The percentage of tungsten in the coating is strongly affected by the pH of the solution, the current density and the percentage of Time on. The anamolous deposition system in direct current was transformed into an induction deposition system in a pulsed electroplating process. The coating morphology becomes coarser as the amount of tungsten of the coating grains increases. At low Time-on percentages, the coating morphology is layered, bladed and porous. As the percentage of Time-on increases, the layers become wider. Grain size and structure had affected by kind of current, wereas coarser grains observed in pulse deposition coating, flat appurtenant is even in DCEP process.
    VL  - 5
    IS  - 3
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Faculty of Materials and Metallurgy, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran

  • Faculty of Materials and Metallurgy, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran

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