This study aims to carry out a proper flood risk assessment in Machico’s main watercourse and purpose at least two different flood mitigation measures to prevent major impacts over the watershed. Furthermore, the assessment addresses the need for structural-measures — i.e. detention basins — towards mitigating flood hazards under high-intensity and short-duration precipitation events. It became possible to morphometrically characterize all the watersheds using empirical equations to gather specific parameters and indexes. A proper articulation between the hydrological and the spatial analysis using geographic information systems was then carried out. According to many parameters calculated the watershed of Machico proved to assume a very large-size and to be highly prone to flash floods. The spatial analysis took into consideration the watershed’s Fill Rate using both Dutch and the Ternary Phase Diagram methods and allowed us to define criteria towards the establishment of detention basins as a valid flood mitigation measure. Finally, it was clear that the watershed corresponding to Machico’s main watercourse induces the need to further implement either a detention basin or to modify the roughness coefficient of its river channel. Moreover, the comparison between the results obtained with DROTA’s Flood Risk Report, allows us to consider this study’s outcome both satisfactory and valid.
Published in | American Journal of Water Science and Engineering (Volume 7, Issue 1) |
DOI | 10.11648/j.ajwse.20210701.11 |
Page(s) | 1-13 |
Creative Commons |
This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited. |
Copyright |
Copyright © The Author(s), 2021. Published by Science Publishing Group |
Flood Hazard, Hydraulics, Hydrology, Spatial Analysis, Territorial Management, Urban Planning
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APA Style
Andrés Silva, Leonardo Gonçalves, André Moura, Sérgio Lousada, João Gouveia, et al. (2021). Flood Hazard Assessment in Madeira (Portugal) – The Case Study of Machico. American Journal of Water Science and Engineering, 7(1), 1-13.
ACS Style
Andrés Silva; Leonardo Gonçalves; André Moura; Sérgio Lousada; João Gouveia, et al. Flood Hazard Assessment in Madeira (Portugal) – The Case Study of Machico. Am. J. Water Sci. Eng. 2021, 7(1), 1-13. doi: 10.11648/j.ajwse.20210701.11
AMA Style
Andrés Silva, Leonardo Gonçalves, André Moura, Sérgio Lousada, João Gouveia, et al. Flood Hazard Assessment in Madeira (Portugal) – The Case Study of Machico. Am J Water Sci Eng. 2021;7(1):1-13. doi: 10.11648/j.ajwse.20210701.11
@article{10.11648/j.ajwse.20210701.11, author = {Andrés Silva and Leonardo Gonçalves and André Moura and Sérgio Lousada and João Gouveia and Rafael Camacho}, title = {Flood Hazard Assessment in Madeira (Portugal) – The Case Study of Machico}, journal = {American Journal of Water Science and Engineering}, volume = {7}, number = {1}, pages = {1-13}, doi = {10.11648/j.ajwse.20210701.11}, url = {}, eprint = {}, abstract = {This study aims to carry out a proper flood risk assessment in Machico’s main watercourse and purpose at least two different flood mitigation measures to prevent major impacts over the watershed. Furthermore, the assessment addresses the need for structural-measures — i.e. detention basins — towards mitigating flood hazards under high-intensity and short-duration precipitation events. It became possible to morphometrically characterize all the watersheds using empirical equations to gather specific parameters and indexes. A proper articulation between the hydrological and the spatial analysis using geographic information systems was then carried out. According to many parameters calculated the watershed of Machico proved to assume a very large-size and to be highly prone to flash floods. The spatial analysis took into consideration the watershed’s Fill Rate using both Dutch and the Ternary Phase Diagram methods and allowed us to define criteria towards the establishment of detention basins as a valid flood mitigation measure. Finally, it was clear that the watershed corresponding to Machico’s main watercourse induces the need to further implement either a detention basin or to modify the roughness coefficient of its river channel. Moreover, the comparison between the results obtained with DROTA’s Flood Risk Report, allows us to consider this study’s outcome both satisfactory and valid.}, year = {2021} }
TY - JOUR T1 - Flood Hazard Assessment in Madeira (Portugal) – The Case Study of Machico AU - Andrés Silva AU - Leonardo Gonçalves AU - André Moura AU - Sérgio Lousada AU - João Gouveia AU - Rafael Camacho Y1 - 2021/03/04 PY - 2021 N1 - DO - 10.11648/j.ajwse.20210701.11 T2 - American Journal of Water Science and Engineering JF - American Journal of Water Science and Engineering JO - American Journal of Water Science and Engineering SP - 1 EP - 13 PB - Science Publishing Group SN - 2575-1875 UR - AB - This study aims to carry out a proper flood risk assessment in Machico’s main watercourse and purpose at least two different flood mitigation measures to prevent major impacts over the watershed. Furthermore, the assessment addresses the need for structural-measures — i.e. detention basins — towards mitigating flood hazards under high-intensity and short-duration precipitation events. It became possible to morphometrically characterize all the watersheds using empirical equations to gather specific parameters and indexes. A proper articulation between the hydrological and the spatial analysis using geographic information systems was then carried out. According to many parameters calculated the watershed of Machico proved to assume a very large-size and to be highly prone to flash floods. The spatial analysis took into consideration the watershed’s Fill Rate using both Dutch and the Ternary Phase Diagram methods and allowed us to define criteria towards the establishment of detention basins as a valid flood mitigation measure. Finally, it was clear that the watershed corresponding to Machico’s main watercourse induces the need to further implement either a detention basin or to modify the roughness coefficient of its river channel. Moreover, the comparison between the results obtained with DROTA’s Flood Risk Report, allows us to consider this study’s outcome both satisfactory and valid. VL - 7 IS - 1 ER -