Solar thermal energy is available in abundance in a country like Senegal where direct solar radiation is on average 1950kWh/m2 per year. Solar drying is the most popular method to preserve food in our country. However, it is limited by the intermittent nature of the sun. The objective of this paper is to overcome the intermittency of the sun by integrating a thermal bed into the solar dryer. The thermal bed is made of basalt and biochar for heat storage and humidity absorption respectively. An experimental study was done using papaya and moringa leaves. The results obtained show that the thermal bed stores heat at the temperature of 39°C at 10p.m. Papaya is dried in two days and moringa leaves are dried in one day. For papaya slices, water content is 15% and was reached at the second day of drying. Also, moringa dry leaves water content is 8%. This value begins to be reached from 3 p.m. in the afternoon. Thus, the thermal bed temperature, the air temperature between the drying racks and the drying chamber outlet air temperature are respectively an average of 48.67°C, 48°C and 47.22°C compared to 34.33°C of the ambient temperature, a difference of more than 4°C. The experimental study is supported by a Computational fluid dynamic (CFD) analysis.
Published in | International Journal of Sustainable and Green Energy (Volume 14, Issue 1) |
DOI | 10.11648/j.ijsge.20251401.12 |
Page(s) | 20-31 |
Creative Commons |
This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited. |
Copyright |
Copyright © The Author(s), 2025. Published by Science Publishing Group |
Basalt, CFD, Dryer, Direct Solar Radiation, Heat Storage, Solar Thermal Energy, Thermal Bed
| Turbulent Kinetic Energy, |
| Dissipation of Turbulent Kinetic Energy, |
| Density, |
| Viscosity, Pa.s |
| Turbulent Dynamic Viscosity, |
Turbulence Model Constants | |
, | Velocity, m.s-1 |
P | Pressure, Bar |
| Constant Pressure Specific Heat, K-1 |
| Inertial Resistance Factor |
| Temperature, K |
| Inertial Resistance Factor, |
Particle Diameter, m | |
| Gravitational Acceleration, |
| Thermal Conductivity, W.m-1 K-1 |
| Turbulence Model Constant |
| Source Term |
, , | Constants Involved in the Model |
, , | Empirically Coefficients |
| Porosity |
| Prandtl Number |
| Coefficient of Expansion |
| Solid Phase in the Thermal Bed |
| Fluid Phase in the Thermal Bed |
Blend |
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APA Style
Thiao, S., Drame, O., Mar, A., Ndiaye, L. G., Youm, I. (2025). Experimental and Numerical CFD Analysis of a Solar Dryer with Integration of Basalt Thermal Bed for Heat Storage. International Journal of Sustainable and Green Energy, 14(1), 20-31.
ACS Style
Thiao, S.; Drame, O.; Mar, A.; Ndiaye, L. G.; Youm, I. Experimental and Numerical CFD Analysis of a Solar Dryer with Integration of Basalt Thermal Bed for Heat Storage. Int. J. Sustain. Green Energy 2025, 14(1), 20-31. doi: 10.11648/j.ijsge.20251401.12
AMA Style
Thiao S, Drame O, Mar A, Ndiaye LG, Youm I. Experimental and Numerical CFD Analysis of a Solar Dryer with Integration of Basalt Thermal Bed for Heat Storage. Int J Sustain Green Energy. 2025;14(1):20-31. doi: 10.11648/j.ijsge.20251401.12
@article{10.11648/j.ijsge.20251401.12, author = {Serigne Thiao and Omar Drame and Awa Mar and Lat Grand Ndiaye and Issakha Youm}, title = {Experimental and Numerical CFD Analysis of a Solar Dryer with Integration of Basalt Thermal Bed for Heat Storage}, journal = {International Journal of Sustainable and Green Energy}, volume = {14}, number = {1}, pages = {20-31}, doi = {10.11648/j.ijsge.20251401.12}, url = {}, eprint = {}, abstract = {Solar thermal energy is available in abundance in a country like Senegal where direct solar radiation is on average 1950kWh/m2 per year. Solar drying is the most popular method to preserve food in our country. However, it is limited by the intermittent nature of the sun. The objective of this paper is to overcome the intermittency of the sun by integrating a thermal bed into the solar dryer. The thermal bed is made of basalt and biochar for heat storage and humidity absorption respectively. An experimental study was done using papaya and moringa leaves. The results obtained show that the thermal bed stores heat at the temperature of 39°C at 10p.m. Papaya is dried in two days and moringa leaves are dried in one day. For papaya slices, water content is 15% and was reached at the second day of drying. Also, moringa dry leaves water content is 8%. This value begins to be reached from 3 p.m. in the afternoon. Thus, the thermal bed temperature, the air temperature between the drying racks and the drying chamber outlet air temperature are respectively an average of 48.67°C, 48°C and 47.22°C compared to 34.33°C of the ambient temperature, a difference of more than 4°C. The experimental study is supported by a Computational fluid dynamic (CFD) analysis.}, year = {2025} }
TY - JOUR T1 - Experimental and Numerical CFD Analysis of a Solar Dryer with Integration of Basalt Thermal Bed for Heat Storage AU - Serigne Thiao AU - Omar Drame AU - Awa Mar AU - Lat Grand Ndiaye AU - Issakha Youm Y1 - 2025/02/10 PY - 2025 N1 - DO - 10.11648/j.ijsge.20251401.12 T2 - International Journal of Sustainable and Green Energy JF - International Journal of Sustainable and Green Energy JO - International Journal of Sustainable and Green Energy SP - 20 EP - 31 PB - Science Publishing Group SN - 2575-1549 UR - AB - Solar thermal energy is available in abundance in a country like Senegal where direct solar radiation is on average 1950kWh/m2 per year. Solar drying is the most popular method to preserve food in our country. However, it is limited by the intermittent nature of the sun. The objective of this paper is to overcome the intermittency of the sun by integrating a thermal bed into the solar dryer. The thermal bed is made of basalt and biochar for heat storage and humidity absorption respectively. An experimental study was done using papaya and moringa leaves. The results obtained show that the thermal bed stores heat at the temperature of 39°C at 10p.m. Papaya is dried in two days and moringa leaves are dried in one day. For papaya slices, water content is 15% and was reached at the second day of drying. Also, moringa dry leaves water content is 8%. This value begins to be reached from 3 p.m. in the afternoon. Thus, the thermal bed temperature, the air temperature between the drying racks and the drying chamber outlet air temperature are respectively an average of 48.67°C, 48°C and 47.22°C compared to 34.33°C of the ambient temperature, a difference of more than 4°C. The experimental study is supported by a Computational fluid dynamic (CFD) analysis. VL - 14 IS - 1 ER -