1. Introduction
Many scholars have conducted investigations and developed equations that govern Nappe flow, Transition, and Skimming flow regimes in stepped spillways, including
[9] | Chanson H, Carosi G. Advanced post-processing and correlation analyses in high-velocity air– water flows. Environ Fluid Mech. 2007; 7(6): 495–508. |
[18] | Chanson, H. 1994b. Comparison of energy dissipation between nappe and skimming flow regimes on stepped chutes. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 32(2): 213-218. |
[20] | Essery ITS, Horner MW. The hydraulic design of stepped spillways, Rep. 33, Construction Industry Research and Information Assoc., London, U. K; 1971. |
[34] | Stephenson, D. (1991). "Energy Dissipation down Stepped Spillways." International Water Power & Dam Construction, Sept., pp. 27-30. |
[9, 18, 20, 34]
Many of these equations still need to be verified by researchers, while some have already been confirmed. These researchers looked into and tried to find the ideal design and configuration of steps to maximize energy dissipation and decrease basin sizes.
The effect of step geometry on energy dissipation in the stepped spillway has not been extensively studied by scholars. In this field, there is a knowledge deficit.
Therefore, this study is conducted in an effort to offer some knowledge in that field.
If floodwater's energy, particularly its kinetic energy, is not securely dispersed, significant harm could result. One kind of device used to release floodwaters is the stepped spillway. It is made up of an open channel and several drips that are inverted. These drops present high flow impediment, which causes energy loss. Due to this energy loss, smaller and more cost-effective dissipation structures are designed downstream of the chute.
A critical point at which air would be entrained in the flow would be achieved as the discharge down the spillway was raised.
Two-phase flow or air-water flow is the term used to describe this phenomenon.
Chanson and Stephenson [18, 34] classified the flow over the stepped spillway based on experimental observations into three different flow regimes:
a) Nappe flow regime or jet flow regime for lower discharges;
b) Transition flow for medium discharges; and
c) Skimming flow regime for higher discharges.
1.1. Nappe Flow
Similarly, Peyras et al
[30] | Peyras L, Royet P, Degoutte G. Flow and Energy Dissipation over Stepped Gabion Weirs." Jl of Hyd. Engrg. ASCE. 1992; 118(5): 707-717. |
identified two types of nappe flow: flow with a fully developed hydraulic jump for low discharge and small flow depth, and flow with a partially developed hydraulic jump. In the nappe flow regime, a sequence of freely falling water flows down from one step to the next lower step with the development of a hydraulic jump at each step. This type of flow can be likened to a sequence of separate drop structures linked together
[9] | Chanson H, Carosi G. Advanced post-processing and correlation analyses in high-velocity air– water flows. Environ Fluid Mech. 2007; 7(6): 495–508. |
[16] | Chanson H. Measuring air–water interface area in supercritical open channel flow. Water Res. 1997b; 31(6): 1414–1420. |
[9, 16]
. It flows from each step and passes through critical depth at the brink of the step forming a supercritical free-falling jet and returning to subcritical flow downstream of the jump. The flow hits the step below as a freely falling jet, with the energy dissipation occurring by a jet breakup in air, by jet mixing on the step, and by the formation of a fully developed or partial hydraulic jump on the step.
For nappe flow to occur, the step horizontal tread needs to be greater than the water depth
[34] | Stephenson, D. (1991). "Energy Dissipation down Stepped Spillways." International Water Power & Dam Construction, Sept., pp. 27-30. |
. In dam design, this would result in a relatively flat slope. The step height, h, must be large for nappe flow to occur. This situation may apply to relatively flat stepped channels or at low flow rates.
According to Peyras et al
[30] | Peyras L, Royet P, Degoutte G. Flow and Energy Dissipation over Stepped Gabion Weirs." Jl of Hyd. Engrg. ASCE. 1992; 118(5): 707-717. |
the step height needs to be at least two or three times the critical flow depth and the tread of the steps needs to be two or three times the step height.
The slopes of these reaches were such that a hydraulic jump occurred at the base of each drop.
If the length of the drop added to the length of the roller, Lr, is less than the length of the horizontal step, l, a fully developed hydraulic jump can take place (
Figure 1). Chanson
[10] | Chanson H, Toombes L. Air–water flows down stepped chutes: turbulence and flow structure observations. Int J Multiph Flow. 2002a; 28(11): 1737–1761. |
a fully developed nappe flow with a fully developed hydraulic jump occurs for discharges smaller than a critical value defined by:
Where the correlation - Eq (
1) - is valid for 0.2 ≤ h/l ≤ 6
Where l is the step length.
Nappe flow for a fully developed hydraulic jump occurs for
Several dams in South Africa were built with stepped spillways. Stephenson
[34] | Stephenson, D. (1991). "Energy Dissipation down Stepped Spillways." International Water Power & Dam Construction, Sept., pp. 27-30. |
, from his experience, suggested that the most suitable conditions for nappe flow situations are:
Figure 1. Nappe flow regime (Flow at a drop structure).
Energy Dissipation
In a nappe flow regime with a fully developed hydraulic jump, the head loss at any intermediate step equates the energy loss. The total head loss, ∆H, along the spillway equals the maximum head available, H
max, and the residual heat, H
1, at the bottom of the spillway
[11] | Chanson H, Toombes L. Energy dissipation and air entrainment in stepped storm waterway: experimental study. J Irrig Drain Eng ASCE. 2002b; 128(5): 305–315. |
Where Hdam is the dam height and H0 is the reservoir free-surface elevation above the spillway crest. The residual energy is dissipated at the toe of the spillway by a hydraulic jump in the dissipation basin.
1.2. Partial Nappe Flow
In this type of flow, the nappe does not fully impinge on the step surface and it disperses with considerable turbulence. The flow is supercritical down the length of the spillway. For a given step geometry, an increase in flow rate may lead to an intermediate flow pattern between nappe and skimming flow - the transition flow regime is also called a partial nappe flow. The transition flow is characterized by a pool of circulating water and is often accompanied by a small air bubble (cavity), significant water spray, and the deflection of the water jet immediately downstream of the stagnation point (
Figure 2). The transition flow pattern exhibits significant longitudinal variations of the flow properties on each step. It does not present the coherent appearance of skimming flows. The transition from one type of flow to another is gradual and continuous. As a result, both the nappe flow and the skimming flow appear simultaneously in a certain range, one of them on some steps and the other on the remaining, both changing spatially and temporarily.
Figure 2. Nappe flow with partially developed hydraulic jump.
1.3. Skimming Regime
In skimming flow, the water flows down the stepped face as a coherent stream. It skims over the steps and is supported by the recirculating fluid trapped between them. The external edges of the steps form a pseudo bottom over which the flow skims. Beneath this bottom, recirculating vortices are formed, which are sustained by the transmission of shear stress from the water flowing past the edge of the steps. At the upstream end, the flow is transparent and has a glossy appearance and no air entrainment takes place. After a few steps, the flow is characterized by air entrainment similar to a self-aerated flow down a smooth inverted spillway. There is a continuous exchange of flow between the top layer and vortices formed on steps. The flow rotates in the vortex for a brief period and then returns to the main flow to proceed on down the spillway face. These vortices are supported through the transmission of shear stress from the fluid flowing past the edges of the steps (
Figure 4). Chanson
[14] | Chanson H. Air bubble entrainment in open channels. Flow structure and bubble size distributions. Int J Multiph Flow. 1997a; 23(1): 193–203. |
states that in addition to this, small vortices are generated continuously at the corner of the steps. It occurs with the submergence of the steps with the development of a fully aerated uniform flow downstream of a long chute. Along the upstream steps, a non-aerated flow region exists in which a turbulent boundary layer develops. Air entrainment in the flow begins where the boundary layer intersects the free surface, referred to as the point of inception. Downstream of the point of inception, the flow continues to aerate and varies gradually in depth (
Figure 3). The flow eventually becomes a fully aerated uniform flow in which the water depth, velocity, and air concentration become constant
[3] | Boes R, Hager WH. Two-phase flow characteristics of stepped spillways. J. Hydraul. Eng. ASCE. 2003a; 129(9): 661-670. |
[10] | Chanson H, Toombes L. Air–water flows down stepped chutes: turbulence and flow structure observations. Int J Multiph Flow. 2002a; 28(11): 1737–1761. |
[3, 10]
Figure 4).
The condition is very difficult to establish analytically. Therefore, empirical equations have been proposed by many investigators for the delineation of the skimming flow from nappe flow over the stepped spillway. Essery and Horner
[20] | Essery ITS, Horner MW. The hydraulic design of stepped spillways, Rep. 33, Construction Industry Research and Information Assoc., London, U. K; 1971. |
[26] | Gonzalez CA. An experimental study of free-surface aeration on embankment stepped chutes. PhD Thesis, Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia; 2005. |
[20, 26]
reported that it is very difficult to distinguish between nappe and skimming flow for flatter slopes having
It must be noted that the data of Peyras et al.
[27] | Guenther P, Felder S, Chanson H. Flow aeration, cavity processes and energy dissipation on flat and pooled stepped spillways for embankments. Environ Fluid Mech. 2013; 13(5): 503–525. |
[30] | Peyras L, Royet P, Degoutte G. Flow and Energy Dissipation over Stepped Gabion Weirs." Jl of Hyd. Engrg. ASCE. 1992; 118(5): 707-717. |
[27, 30]
were obtained on a gabion stepped spillway model. The infiltration through the gabion is likely to affect the flow conditions and may explain smaller values of (dc/h)
onset than for
[32] | Sorensen, RM. 1985. Stepped spillway hydraulic model investigation. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 111(12): 1461-1472. |
[33] | Stefan Felder, Hubert Chanson (2014). Aeration and air–water mass transfer on stepped chutes with embankment dam slopes, Environ Fluid Mech; 2014. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10652-014-9376-x |
[32, 33]
[18] | Chanson, H. 1994b. Comparison of energy dissipation between nappe and skimming flow regimes on stepped chutes. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 32(2): 213-218. |
[21] | Felder S, Chanson H. Air–water flow properties in step cavity down a stepped chute. Int J Multiph Flow. 2011; 37(7): 732–745. |
[24] | Felder S, Chanson H. Turbulence, dynamic similarity and scale effects in high-velocity free surface flows above a stepped chute. Exp Fluids. 2009b; 47(1): 1–18. |
[18, 21, 24]
stated that energy dissipation occurs by momentum transfer, or the transmission of turbulent shear stress, between the skimming stream and the vortices.
Many of the researches on the stepped spillway skimming flow has concentrated on determining the profile of the turbulent boundary layer, the location of the point of inception, and the concentration of air in the flow. All of these factors influence the design of stepped spillways. Specifically, knowledge of the concentration and distribution of aeration is important in determining the water depth, velocity, and hence the amount of energy dissipation along the slope
[24] | Felder S, Chanson H. Turbulence, dynamic similarity and scale effects in high-velocity free surface flows above a stepped chute. Exp Fluids. 2009b; 47(1): 1–18. |
Numerous researchers have observed and analyzed the flow regime change from Nappe to Skimming in a spillway and linked the parameters, which have been related to flow critical depth, d
c, and the spillway shape, which are the non-dimensional ratios dc /h and h/ l
[5] | Bung D, Schlenkhoff A. Prediction of oxygen transfer in self-aerated skimming flow on embankment stepped spillways, 33rd IAHR World Congress. Vancouver, Canada 123 Author's personal copy Environ Fluid Mech; 2009. |
[6] | Bung DB. Zur selbstbelüfteten Gerinneströmung auf Kaskaden mit gemäßigter Neigung. PhD Thesis, Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet Wasserwirtschaft und Wasserbau, Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal, Germany (in German); 2009. |
[5, 6, 25
Chanson, Rajaratnam
[7] | Carosi G, Chanson H. Air-water time and length scales in skimming flow on a stepped spillway. Application to the spray characterisation. Report No. CH59/06, Division of Civil Engineering, the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, July; 2006. |
[8] | Chamani R, Rajaratnam N. Jet Flow on Stepped Spillways. J. Hydraul. Engg. ASCE 1994; 120(2): 254–259. |
[31] | Rajaratnam N. Skimming flow in stepped spillways. J. Hydr. Engrg., ASCE. 1990; 116(4): 587-591. |
[7, 8, 31]
took into account these non-dimensional parameters dc /h and h/ l. He proposed that values of dc/ h > 0.8 will produce skimming flow in the range of 0.42 ≤ h/l ≤ 0.842 of the skimming, leaving the nappe flow regime when flow dc/ h < 0.8 whatever the geometric specifications of the structure might be.
Studies have, however, shown that the majority of the changes in flow regime occur for the flow rate, dc/h, less than this proposed 0.8.
For small discharges and flat slopes, the flow regime is the nappe flow regime. An increase in discharge or channel slope may induce the appearance of a skimming flow regime.
[18] | Chanson, H. 1994b. Comparison of energy dissipation between nappe and skimming flow regimes on stepped chutes. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 32(2): 213-218. |
in his result, also took into account the analysis of Beitz and Lawless, Degoutte et al, Essery and Horner
[1] | Beitz E, Lawless M. Hydraulic Model Study for darn on GHFL 3791 lsaac River al Burton Gorge. Water Resources Commission Report, Ref. No. REP/24.1, Sept., Brisbane, Australia; 1992. |
[19] | Degouite G, Peyras L, Royet P. Skimming Flow in Stepped Spillways - Discussion. Jl of Hyd. Engrg., ASCE. 1992; 118(1): 111-114. |
[20] | Essery ITS, Horner MW. The hydraulic design of stepped spillways, Rep. 33, Construction Industry Research and Information Assoc., London, U. K; 1971. |
[1, 19, 20]
proposed that the skimming flow regime occurs for discharges larger than a critical value defined as:
(dc)onset/h =1.06−0.465 h/l(5)
Where (dc)onset is the characteristic critical depth.
[8] | Chamani R, Rajaratnam N. Jet Flow on Stepped Spillways. J. Hydraul. Engg. ASCE 1994; 120(2): 254–259. |
stated that skimming flows occur when d
c/h > (dc/h)
onsetHe noted that Eq (
5) was deduced for h/l that ranges from 0.2 to 1.3 and that further experimental work is required to verify or modify the equation outside the range.
Several researchers have published works on the impact, of scale effects in modeling stepped spillways
[2] | Bindo M, Gautier J, Lacrotx F. The Stepped Spillway of: Vl"Bah Darn. lntl Water Power and Dam Construction. 1993; 1-5(1): 35-36. |
[4] | Boes RM. Scale effects in modeling two-phase stepped spillway flow. In Proc. Intl. Workshop on Hydraulics of Stepped Spillways, Minor HE and Hager WH, eds. Steenwijk, The Netherlands: A. A. Balkema. 2000: 53-60. |
[15] | Chanson H. Air–water flow measurements with intrusive phase-detection probes. Can we improve their interpretation? J Hydraul Eng ASCE. 2002; 128(3): 252–255. |
[23] | Felder S, Chanson H. Energy dissipation, flow resistance and gas-liquid interfacial area in skimming flows on moderate-slope stepped spillways. Environ Fluid Mech. 2009a; 9(4): 427–441. |
[31] | Rajaratnam N. Skimming flow in stepped spillways. J. Hydr. Engrg., ASCE. 1990; 116(4): 587-591. |
[2, 4, 15, 23, 31]
The scale effect is the slight misrepresentations, which occur when secondary forces like viscous forces and surface tension forces in turbulent flow are ignored. It is overlooked in many open-channel flows. However, if they are ignored in highly air-entrained flows in stepped spillways, where they play significant roles, they could lead to scale effects and wrong interpretations of results
[2] | Bindo M, Gautier J, Lacrotx F. The Stepped Spillway of: Vl"Bah Darn. lntl Water Power and Dam Construction. 1993; 1-5(1): 35-36. |
. Scale effects in stepped spillway models are likely to occur with scales lower than 10: 1, Reynolds number smaller than 1 × 10
5, Weber number smaller than 100, and step heights lesser than 3 cm.
Energy Dissipation
The energy dissipated occurred to keep stable depression vortices. If uniform flow conditions are reached downstream of the spillway, the energy loss could be calculated as follows
[10] | Chanson H, Toombes L. Air–water flows down stepped chutes: turbulence and flow structure observations. Int J Multiph Flow. 2002a; 28(11): 1737–1761. |
Figure 4):
Where dw is the clear water depth, Uavg is the average velocity, the total head loss may be rewritten in terms of the friction factor, f, the spillway slope, θ, in degree, the critical depth, dc, and the dam height, Hdam:
Eq (
6) computed for spillway slope with θ = 52 (degrees) and friction factor, f = 0.3 and f = 1.30 represented average flow resistance on smooth spillways and stepped spillways, respectively. where E is the kinetic energy correction coefficient, θ is the dam slope in degrees.
Eq (
8) is developed for skimming flow when spillway slope is between 26.6° and 21.8°, h (cm) is not more than 20, N is not more than 20, and dc/h is between 1.0 and 3.7
[29] | Ozueigbo, O, Agunwamba J, New Equations for Energy Dissipation down a Stepped Spillway. Journal of Engineering Research and Reports 23(4): 1-14, 2022; Article no. JERR. 90654 ISSN: 2582-2926, https://doi.org/10.9734/JERR/2022/v23i417602 |
Eq (
9) is developed for skimming flow when h (cm) is not more than 20, N is not more than 20, θ (degrees) is between 21.8° and 3.4°, and dc/h is between 1.0 and 3.6
[29] | Ozueigbo, O, Agunwamba J, New Equations for Energy Dissipation down a Stepped Spillway. Journal of Engineering Research and Reports 23(4): 1-14, 2022; Article no. JERR. 90654 ISSN: 2582-2926, https://doi.org/10.9734/JERR/2022/v23i417602 |
Figure 4. Skimming flow regime with uniform flow conditions.
Figure 5. Arrangement of the spillway with the definition of the variables.
2. Material and Methods
The authors carefully selected eleven publications on horizontal stepped spillways with minimum step heights of 3 cm, undistorted Froude values, and large dimensionless discharges corresponding to Reynolds numbers between 1×105 and 1×106.
These researchers used experimental facilities on large scale to minimize scale effects that affect the air-water flow processes in high-velocity free-surface flows
[23] | Felder S, Chanson H. Energy dissipation, flow resistance and gas-liquid interfacial area in skimming flows on moderate-slope stepped spillways. Environ Fluid Mech. 2009a; 9(4): 427–441. |
. They measured air-water flow properties at all step edges downstream of the inception point of air-entrainment with conductivity phase-detection intrusive probes and optical fiber probes.
Use of a Dall Tube flow meter, or V-notch for flow rates, Prandtl-Pitot for flow velocities, or point gauge for clear water flow depth to obtain air-water flows properties is not practicable as large quantities of air are entrained at the air-water interface
[11] | Chanson H, Toombes L. Energy dissipation and air entrainment in stepped storm waterway: experimental study. J Irrig Drain Eng ASCE. 2002b; 128(5): 305–315. |
[12] | Chanson H, Toombes L. Supercritical Flow at an Abrupt Drop: Flow Patterns and Aeration”. Can. J. Civil Eng. 1998; 25(5): 956–966. |
[11, 12]
The principle of the conductivity probe is based on the difference between the resistivity of air and water, which provides an instantaneous voltage signal
[13] | Chanson H. The hydraulics of stepped chutes and spillways. Balkema, Lisse. 2001: 418. |
[17] | Chanson, H. 1994a. Hydraulics of skimming flows over stepped channels and spillways. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 32(3): 445-460. |
[13, 17]
. The threshold technique analyzes signals - from a single sensor - used to calculate a) the time-averaged local air concentration or void fraction C, b) the number of air-to-water (or water-to-air) voltage changes expressed as bubble count rate F, and c) the air bubble and water droplet chord sizes. For a double-tip conductivity probe with longitudinal separation between the two probe sensors, the cross-correlation analysis of the signals leads to the local time-averaged interfacial velocity V
[10] | Chanson H, Toombes L. Air–water flows down stepped chutes: turbulence and flow structure observations. Int J Multiph Flow. 2002a; 28(11): 1737–1761. |
Details about the signal processing techniques could be found in
[16] | Chanson H. Measuring air–water interface area in supercritical open channel flow. Water Res. 1997b; 31(6): 1414–1420. |
[22] | Felder S, Chanson H. Energy dissipation and flow resistance on flat slope stepped spillways. 5th IAHR International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures, Brisbane, Australia, 25-27 June 2014. Brisbane, Australia: The University of Queensland; 2014. |
[16, 22]
The double-tip conductivity probes used had sensor sizes of Ø = 0.13 mm and 0.25 mm and were sampled for a period of 45 s with a frequency of 20 kHz per sensor.
The discharges comprised transition and skimming flow rates of 0.035 ≤ q
w ≤ 0.234 m
2/s for the spillways with θ = 8.9◦ and 0.02 ≤ q
w ≤ 0.249 m
2/s and for θ = 26.6◦, Reynolds numbers of 1.4 × 10
5 ≤ Re ≤ 9.3 × 10
5 and 8.1 × 10
4 ≤ Re ≤ 9.9 × 10
5 The National Water Institute's large-scale stepped spillway models with a slope of θ = 26.6°, 21.8°, 15.9°, 14.6°, and 8.9° were used for the experimental study.
The facility was 12 meters long and was made up of an input tank that continuously delivered an upstream water head. A 0.5 m wide uncontrolled broad-crested weir was used to let water into the experimental test area. The stepped spillway had the following number of steps: a) 10 No steps with a step height of 0.10 m and a step length of 0.20 m; b) 10 No steps with a step height of 0.10 m and a step length of 0.25 m; c) 9 No steps with a step height of 0.10 m and a step length of 0.35 m; d) 13 No steps with a step height of 0.10 m and a step W = 0.52 m was the width of the chute. Perspex was used for the channel walls and PVC for the steps.
A huge upstream intake basin with dimensions of 3.0 m 2.5 m and a depth of 1.6 m provided steady flow rates. A 1.0 m long smooth sidewall convergent with a 4: 1 contraction ratio provided a smooth inflow. A broad-crested weir with a height of 1 m, width of 0.52 m, crest length of 1.01 m 1.01 m, and an upstream rounded corner controlled the flow in the test portion.
An ultrasonic range finder and a sharp-crested weir were used to measure the discharge at the downstream channel's terminus.
The experimental facilities were large scale to minimize scale effects affecting the microscopic air–water flow processes in high-velocity free-surface flows
[15] | Chanson H. Air–water flow measurements with intrusive phase-detection probes. Can we improve their interpretation? J Hydraul Eng ASCE. 2002; 128(3): 252–255. |
. Scale effect is a term used to describe slight distortions that are introduced by ignoring secondary forces such as viscous forces, surface tension in stepped spillway models. Viscous forces and surface tension in most open-channel applications are deemed negligible, but in highly air- entrained flows like those expected in stepped spillways, these forces are more dominating and cannot be simply ignored. Scale effects can develop if these factors are ignored, leading to data misinterpretation. Scale effects in modeling stepped spillways have been thoroughly established Boes and Hager
[4] | Boes RM. Scale effects in modeling two-phase stepped spillway flow. In Proc. Intl. Workshop on Hydraulics of Stepped Spillways, Minor HE and Hager WH, eds. Steenwijk, The Netherlands: A. A. Balkema. 2000: 53-60. |
. In stepped spillway models, scale effects are most typically linked with scales less than 10: 1.
According to Chanson
[10] | Chanson H, Toombes L. Air–water flows down stepped chutes: turbulence and flow structure observations. Int J Multiph Flow. 2002a; 28(11): 1737–1761. |
, a model scale of 10: 1 or greater is recommended, and Boes and Hager
[3] | Boes R, Hager WH. Two-phase flow characteristics of stepped spillways. J. Hydraul. Eng. ASCE. 2003a; 129(9): 661-670. |
recommended a minimum Reynolds number of 10
5 and a minimum Weber number of 100. Takahashi et al.
[35] | Takahashi, M., Yasuda, Y., and Ohtsu, I. (2008). Flow Patterns and Energy Dissipation over Various Stepped Chutes. Discussion. Jl of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 134, No. 1, pp. 114-116. |
urge that Froude, Reynolds, and Morton similarity be satisfied when simulating strongly air entrained flow, but they acknowledge that this can only be done at full scale. Although researchers have not established an agreement on the boundaries to reduce scale effects in physical models of stepped spillways, some information is available. The use of traditional mono-phase flow instrumentation in high-velocity air-water flows is not possible due to the three-dimensional air-water flow with enormous volumes of air-water.
Because substantial quantities of air are entrained at the air-water interface, using a Dall Tube flow meter, or V-notch for flow rates, Prandtl-Pitot for flow velocities, or point gauge for clear water flow depth to get air-water flow attributes is impractical
[11] | Chanson H, Toombes L. Energy dissipation and air entrainment in stepped storm waterway: experimental study. J Irrig Drain Eng ASCE. 2002b; 128(5): 305–315. |
[12] | Chanson H, Toombes L. Supercritical Flow at an Abrupt Drop: Flow Patterns and Aeration”. Can. J. Civil Eng. 1998; 25(5): 956–966. |
[11, 12]
In stepped spillways, detection invasive probes are widely utilized, and experimental tests with optical fiber probes
[1] | Beitz E, Lawless M. Hydraulic Model Study for darn on GHFL 3791 lsaac River al Burton Gorge. Water Resources Commission Report, Ref. No. REP/24.1, Sept., Brisbane, Australia; 1992. |
and conductivity probes
[2] | Bindo M, Gautier J, Lacrotx F. The Stepped Spillway of: Vl"Bah Darn. lntl Water Power and Dam Construction. 1993; 1-5(1): 35-36. |
[10] | Chanson H, Toombes L. Air–water flows down stepped chutes: turbulence and flow structure observations. Int J Multiph Flow. 2002a; 28(11): 1737–1761. |
[13] | Chanson H. The hydraulics of stepped chutes and spillways. Balkema, Lisse. 2001: 418. |
[28] | Ohtsu I, Yasuda Y, Takahashi M (2004) Flow characteristics of skimming flows in stepped channels. J Hydraulic Eng ASCE 130(9): 860–869. |
[2, 10, 13, 28]
have been effective.
Extensive studies were carried out with all of the stepped spillways for a wide variety of discharges 0.018 m3 /s < Q < 0.117 m3 /s. Air-water flow studies were carried out with conductivity phase-detection intrusive probes at all step edges downstream of the inception site of air entrainment for all stepped sizes. The sensor diameters of the double-tip conductivity probes were 0.13 mm and 0.25 mm, and they were sampled for 45 seconds at a frequency of 20 kHz per sensor. Typically, the probe was placed at step edges in the air-water flow zone.
The inner diameter of the probe was 0.13 mm for both points, which were separated in the streamwise direction x = 5.1 mm and the transverse direction z = 1 mm.
All measurements lasted 45 seconds at a sampling rate of 20 kHz per probe tip. The conductivity probe's basis is based on the differing resistance of air and water, which provides an immediate voltage signal. A single sensor's signal can be analyzed using a threshold technique to determine the time averaged local air concentration or void fraction C, the number of air-to-water voltage shifts expressed as bubble count rate F, and the air bubble and water droplet chord diameters. The cross-correlation analysis of the data for a double-tip conductivity probe with longitudinal spacing between the two probe sensors yields the local time-averaged interlayer velocity V. Chamani, Chanson
[8] | Chamani R, Rajaratnam N. Jet Flow on Stepped Spillways. J. Hydraul. Engg. ASCE 1994; 120(2): 254–259. |
[13] | Chanson H. The hydraulics of stepped chutes and spillways. Balkema, Lisse. 2001: 418. |
[8, 13]
provide more information on signal processing techniques
The trials were carried out for a wide variety of discharges at numerous step edges downstream of the free surface aeration inception point.
The discharges had transition and skimming flow rates of 0.035 ≤ qw ≤ 0.234 m2/s for the spillways with θ = 8.9o and 0.02 ≤ qw ≤ 0.249 m2/s for θ = 26.6°, with Reynolds numbers of 1.4 × 105 ≤ Re ≤ 9.3 × 105 and 8.1 × 104 ≤ Re ≤ 9.9 × 105, respectively
3. Results
The Developed Models for the Nappe/Transition/Skimming Flow Regime.
The discharges had transition and skimming flow rates of 0.035 ≤ qw ≤ 0.234 m2/s for the spillways with θ = 8.9° and 0.02 ≤ qw ≤ 0.249 m2/s for θ = 26.6°, with Reynolds numbers of 1.4 × 105 ≤ Re ≤ 9.3 × 105 and 8.1 × 104 ≤ Re ≤ 9.9 × 105, respectively.
The authors then used the developed models, Eq (
10) through Eq (
19), to predict the rates of energy dissipation and displayed them vis-à-vis the measured data sets in
Figure 6 through Figure 15.
∆H/Hmax=(0.92 Nh/dc)0.29N0.20h--0.17--0.32(10)
This equation is valid for 𝜽 of 26.6°, Nh/dc between 5.0 and 10.0, N between 5 and 20, dc/h between 0.80 and 3.30, h (cm) between 5 and 10. Spearman coefficient is 0.97.
∆H/Hmax=(0.28 Nh/dc)0.29N0.20h--0.17--0.32(11)
This equation is valid for 𝜽 between 21.8° and 26.6°, Nh/dc between 5.0 and 25, N between 5 and 20, dc/h between 0.80 and 1.85, h (cm) between 5 and 10. Spearman's correlation coefficient is 0.94.
Figure 6. ∆H/Hmax as a function of Nh/dc for qw = (0.073 - 0.249 m2/s) & Re = (2.92 × 105 - 9.96 × 105), dc/h, of (0.80 - 1.85) ∆H/Hmax as a function of Nh/dc for qw = (0.073 - 0.249 m2/s) & Re = (2.92 × 105 - 9.96 × 105), dc/h, of (0.80 - 1.85)
∆H/Hmax=(0.30 Nh/dc)0.29N0.20h--0.17--0.32(12)
This equation is valid for 𝜽 of 21.8°, Nh/dc between 5.0 and 11.5, N between 5 and 10, dc/h between 1.00 and 3.16, h (cm) between 5.0 and 10.0. Spearman's rank correlation coefficient = 0.8.
∆H/Hmax=(0.25 Nh/dc)0.29N0.20h--0.17--0.32(13)
This equation is valid for 𝜽 between 18.4° and 21.8°, Nh/dc between 5.0 and 12.0, N between 5 and 40, dc/h and 0.80 and 1.85, h (cm) between 5.0 and 10.0. Spearman's rank correlation coefficient = 0.95.
Figure 8. ∆H/Hmax as a function of Nh/dc between 5.00 and 12.00, qw = (0.095 - 0.180) m2/s, Re = (3.80 × 105 - 7.20 × 105), flow rate, dc/h, of (1.00 - 1.57). For 𝜽 = 21.8°, N = 10, h (cm) = 10.
Figure 9. ∆H/Hmax as a function of Nh/dc between 5.50 and 11.00, qw = (0.059 - 0.158) m2/s, Re = (2.36 × 105 - 6.32 × 105), and flow rate, dc/h, of (0.80 - 1.85). For 𝜽 = 21.8°, N = 20, h (cm) = 5.
∆H/Hmax= (0.1 Nh/dc)0.29N0.20h--0.17--0.32(14)
This equation is valid for 𝜽 between 15.9° and 18.4°, Nh/dc between 21.00 and 30.00, N between 5 and 40, dc/h between 0.6 and 3.58, h (cm) between 5.0 and 10.0. Spearman's rank correlation coefficient = 1.00.
Figure 10. ∆H/Hmax as a function of Nh/dc between 21.00 and 30.00, qw = (0.059 - 0.158) m2/s, Re = (2.36 × 105 - 6.32 × 105), flow rate, dc/h, of (0.80 - 1.85). For 𝜽 = 15.9°, N = 18, h (cm) = 6.
∆H/Hmax=(0.12 Nh/dc)0.29N0.20h--0.17--0.32(15)
This equation is valid for 𝜽 of 15.9°, Nh/dc between 5.0 and 9.5, N between 5 and 18, dc/h between 0.6 and 3.2, h (cm) between 5.0 and 10.0. Spearman's rank correlation coefficient =.0.82.
Figure 11. ∆H/Hmax as a function of Nh/dc for 𝜽 = 15.9°, N = 9, h (cm) = 10, qw = (0.069 - 0.188) m2/s, Re = (2.76 × 105 - 7.52 × 105), dc/h = (0.78 - 1.53).
∆H/Hmax=(0.15 Nh/dc)0.29N0.20h--0.17--0.32(16)
This equation is valid for 𝜽 between 14.6° and 15.9°, Nh/dc between 5.0 and 9.5, N between 5 and 18, dc/h between 0.60 and 3.20, h (cm) between 5.0 and 10.0. Spearman's rank correlation coefficient = 0.79.
Figure 12. ∆H/Hmax as a function of Nh/dc between 4.50 and 6.60, qw = (0.069 - 0.188) m2/s, Re = (2.76 × 105 - 7.52 × 105), flow rate, dc/h, of (0.78 - 1.53). For 𝜽 = 15.9°, N = 9, h (cm) = 1.
∆H/Hmax=(0.25 Nh/dc)0.29N0.20h--0.17--0.32(17)
This equation is valid for 𝜽 of 14.6°, Nh/dc between 5.0 and 9.5, N between 5 and 26, dc/h between 1.27 and 3.55, h (cm) between 5.0 and 10.0. Spearman's rank correlation coefficient = 1.00.
Figure 13. ∆H/Hmax as a function of Nh/dc between 6.25 and 8.60, qw = (0.069 - 0.188) m2/s, Re = (2.76 × 105 - 7.52 × 105), flow rate, dc/h, of (0.78 - 1.53). For 𝜽 = 14.6°, N = 13, h (cm) = 10.
∆H/Hmax=(0.10 Nh/dc)0.29N0.20h--0.17--0.32(18)
This equation is valid for 𝜽 between 14.6° and 15.9°, Nh/dc between 7.5 and 17.0, N between 5 and 18, dc/h between 0.60 and 3.20, h (cm) between 5.0 and 10.0. Spearman's rank correlation coefficient = 0.79.
Figure 14. ∆H/Hmax as a function of Nh/dc between 6.20 and 8.00, qw = (0.05 - 0.234m2/s), Re = (2.0 × 105 - 9.36 × 105), & flow rate, dc/h, of (1.27 - 3.55). For 𝜽 = 14.6°, N = 26, h (cm) = 5. ∆H/Hmax as a function of Nh/dc between 6.20 and 8.00, qw = (0.05 - 0.234m2/s), Re = (2.0 × 105 - 9.36 × 105), & flow rate, dc/h, of (1.27 - 3.55). For 𝜽 = 14.6°, N = 26, h (cm) = 5.
This equation is valid for 𝜽 between 3.4° and 8.9°, Nh/dc between 8.5 and 14.0, N between 5 and 21, h (cm) between 3.0 and 14.3. Spearman's rank correlation coefficient = (1.00).
Figure 15. ∆H/Hmax as a function of Nh/dc between 8.50 and 14.00, qw = (0.035 - 0.234) m2/s, Re = (1.40 × 105 - 9.36 × 105), & flow rate, dc/h, of (1.0 - 3.55). For 𝜽 = 8.9°, N = 21, h (cm) = 3/6. ∆H/Hmax as a function of Nh/dc between 8.50 and 14.00, qw = (0.035 - 0.234) m2/s, Re = (1.40 × 105 - 9.36 × 105), & flow rate, dc/h, of (1.0 - 3.55). For 𝜽 = 8.9°, N = 21, h (cm) = 3/6.