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Use of AI in Pediatric Occupational Therapy: A Review

Received: 30 May 2024     Accepted: 14 June 2024     Published: 11 September 2024
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The utilization of artificial intelligence (AI) in pediatric occupational therapy (OT) has emerged as a promising avenue for enhancing assessment, intervention, and outcomes for children with diverse developmental needs. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the current state of AI applications in pediatric OT, highlighting key findings, benefits, challenges, and future directions. AI technologies, including machine learning algorithms, computer vision systems, and wearable sensors, offer innovative approaches to assess children's motor skills, sensory responses, and cognitive functions objectively and efficiently. AI-driven intervention strategies, such as personalized treatment planning, adaptive task selection, virtual reality environments, and gamified activities, promote engagement, motivation, and skill acquisition among pediatric patients. AI can be helpful in early diagnosis as well as early intervention. Additionally, AI-powered telehealth platforms enable remote delivery of OT services, real-time monitoring of patient progress, and access to care for underserved populations. However, challenges related to data privacy, ethical decision-making, disparities in access, and therapist education must be addressed to ensure the ethical, effective, and equitable integration of AI into pediatric OT practice. By embracing ongoing research, collaboration, and innovation, pediatric OT practitioners can harness the transformative potential of AI to improve outcomes and quality of life for children and families worldwide.

Published in Rehabilitation Science (Volume 9, Issue 2)
DOI 10.11648/
Page(s) 21-26
Creative Commons

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Copyright © The Author(s), 2024. Published by Science Publishing Group


Occupational Therapy, Artificial Intelligence, Motor Skills, Cognitive Function, Pediatric Patients, Virtual Reality

1. Introduction
Pediatric occupational therapy (OT) plays a crucial role in supporting children's development and functional abilities, addressing challenges related to physical, cognitive, sensory, and psychosocial domains. Traditionally, OT interventions have relied on a combination of standardized assessments, clinical observations, and therapeutic techniques tailored to individual needs. However, with the rapid advancement of technology, particularly artificial intelligence (AI), new opportunities are emerging to augment and enhance pediatric OT practices .
Artificial intelligence encompasses a range of technologies and methodologies that enable machines to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as learning from data, recognizing patterns, and making decisions. In healthcare, AI has shown promise in various applications, including medical imaging, clinical decision support, personalized medicine, and patient monitoring. In the context of pediatric OT, AI presents unique opportunities to improve assessment accuracy, develop personalized intervention strategies, expand access to services, and promote engagement and motivation among young patients .
The integration of AI into pediatric OT practice aligns with the broader trend of technology-driven healthcare innovation aimed at improving patient outcomes, optimizing resource utilization, and enhancing the overall quality of care. By leveraging AI technologies, pediatric OT practitioners can gain deeper insights into children's abilities, preferences, and progress, leading to more effective and efficient intervention approaches.
2. AI-Assisted Assessment in Pediatric OT
In pediatric occupational therapy (OT), assessment plays a fundamental role in understanding children's strengths, challenges, and individual needs. Traditionally, assessments involve a combination of standardized tools, clinical observations, and caregiver reports to gather information about a child's motor skills, sensory processing, cognitive abilities, social-emotional development, and activities of daily living. However, the subjective nature of some assessment methods and the variability in children's responses can present challenges in obtaining accurate and reliable data.
AI technologies offer innovative solutions to enhance the assessment process in pediatric OT, providing therapists with objective, standardized, and data-driven insights into children's abilities and performance. Machine learning algorithms, a subset of AI, can analyze large datasets of assessment data to identify patterns, trends, and correlations that may not be readily apparent to human observers. These algorithms can learn from existing data to make predictions or classifications about a child's developmental status, risk factors, or treatment outcomes .
For example, machine learning algorithms have been applied to analyze data from standardized assessments such as the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (BOT-2) or the Sensory Profile, identifying patterns indicative of motor delays, sensory processing difficulties, or developmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD). By automating the analysis process, AI-assisted assessment tools can reduce the time and effort required for manual scoring and interpretation, allowing therapists to focus more on clinical decision-making and intervention planning .
Furthermore, AI technologies such as computer vision systems and wearable sensors offer new ways to gather objective data about children's movement patterns, postural control, hand-eye coordination, and sensory responses. Computer vision systems use cameras and image processing algorithms to track and analyze children's movements during functional tasks, playground activities, or therapy sessions. Wearable sensors, including accelerometers, gyroscopes, and electromyography (EMG) devices, can measure physiological parameters such as movement amplitude, velocity, muscle activation, and heart rate variability in real-time .
By integrating AI-assisted assessment tools into pediatric OT practice, therapists can obtain a more comprehensive understanding of children's abilities and needs, leading to more personalized and effective intervention strategies. However, challenges remain in validating the reliability, validity, and clinical utility of AI-driven assessment tools, as well as ensuring privacy and security safeguards for sensitive health data. Continued research and collaboration between AI experts, clinicians, educators, and families are essential to address these challenges and maximize the potential benefits of AI in pediatric OT assessment .
3. AI-Driven Intervention Strategies
Pediatric occupational therapy (OT) intervention aims to promote children's participation in meaningful activities, improve functional skills, and enhance overall quality of life. Traditional intervention approaches in OT often rely on therapist-led activities, sensory-motor exercises, play-based interventions, and environmental modifications tailored to individual goals and needs. However, the effectiveness of these interventions can vary depending on factors such as motivation, engagement, and adherence to therapy .
Artificial intelligence (AI) offers novel opportunities to optimize and personalize intervention strategies in pediatric OT, leveraging data-driven insights and adaptive technologies to enhance engagement, motivation, and skill acquisition. AI-driven intervention strategies encompass a range of approaches, including personalized treatment planning, adaptive task selection, virtual reality (VR) environments, and gamified activities
One key aspect of AI-driven intervention is personalized treatment planning, where AI algorithms analyze individual patient data, including assessment results, treatment history, and personal preferences, to generate tailored intervention plans. These plans may include specific therapeutic activities, goals, progress tracking mechanisms, and reinforcement strategies customized to each child's unique needs and interests. By personalizing interventions, AI can enhance engagement and motivation, leading to more meaningful and effective outcomes .
Adaptive task selection is another area where AI can augment traditional OT interventions. Machine learning algorithms can analyze real-time data from sensors, cameras, or interactive devices to dynamically adjust task difficulty, complexity, or feedback based on a child's performance and progress. For example, in a motor skill training task, AI algorithms can modify the speed, resistance, or complexity of the task to match a child's current skill level and challenge them appropriately, fostering skill acquisition and mastery .
Virtual reality (VR) environments represent a promising avenue for AI-driven interventions in pediatric OT. VR technology can create immersive, interactive, and customizable environments that simulate real-world activities, scenarios, and challenges. AI algorithms can analyze user interactions within VR environments to adapt the difficulty, content, or feedback in real-time, providing personalized and engaging experiences for children undergoing therapy. VR-based interventions have been shown to improve motor skills, balance, coordination, and functional performance in children with various developmental conditions .
Additionally, gamified activities integrate game design elements, rewards, and challenges into therapeutic interventions to enhance motivation, engagement, and learning. AI-powered gamification platforms can track children's progress, adjust game difficulty, and provide personalized feedback based on performance data, promoting goal-directed behavior and skill development. Gamified interventions have been shown to increase motivation, compliance, and enjoyment in pediatric OT settings, leading to improved outcomes and satisfaction among children and caregivers.
4. Telehealth and Remote Monitoring with AI
Telehealth has emerged as a valuable modality for delivering healthcare services remotely, overcoming barriers of distance, time, and accessibility. In pediatric occupational therapy (OT), telehealth platforms integrated with artificial intelligence (AI) technologies offer innovative solutions to expand access to services, enhance patient engagement, and enable real-time monitoring of patient progress .
AI-powered telehealth platforms facilitate remote delivery of pediatric OT services through video conferencing, interactive apps, and virtual therapy sessions. These platforms enable therapists to conduct assessments, deliver interventions, and provide support to children and their families in the comfort of their homes or community settings. AI algorithms can enhance telehealth experiences by automating administrative tasks, optimizing scheduling, and personalizing therapy content based on individual needs and preferences .
One application of AI in telehealth is virtual assessments, where AI algorithms analyze video recordings, sensor data, or self-reported information to evaluate children's motor skills, sensory processing, cognitive abilities, and functional performance. These assessments can provide valuable insights into children's strengths, challenges, and progress, enabling therapists to make informed decisions about intervention planning and goal setting. AI-powered virtual assessments can also help identify red flags or warning signs that may require further evaluation or intervention.
Remote therapy sessions conducted via telehealth platforms offer children and families greater flexibility, convenience, and accessibility compared to traditional in-person sessions. AI technologies can enhance the interactive nature of teletherapy by providing real-time feedback, prompts, and reinforcements during therapy activities. For example, AI-powered virtual assistants or chatbots can guide children through therapeutic exercises, offer encouragement, and provide instant feedback on their performance, promoting engagement and motivation .
Moreover, AI-enabled remote monitoring systems allow therapists to track children's progress, adherence, and outcomes over time, facilitating data-driven decision-making and intervention adjustment. Wearable sensors, smart devices, and digital health platforms equipped with AI algorithms can collect and analyze physiological data, activity levels, and therapy adherence metrics, providing objective measures of treatment effectiveness and identifying areas for improvement. AI-driven remote monitoring systems can also alert therapists to potential issues or concerns, enabling timely interventions and support .
Despite the potential benefits, challenges exist in implementing AI-powered telehealth solutions in pediatric OT practice. These include issues related to technology literacy, internet connectivity, privacy and security of health data, and regulatory compliance. Additionally, cultural and socioeconomic factors may influence families' willingness and ability to engage with telehealth services, highlighting the importance of addressing equity and accessibility concerns in telehealth implementation.
5. Challenges and Considerations in AI Integration
The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into pediatric occupational therapy (OT) practice presents several challenges and considerations that must be addressed to ensure the ethical, effective, and equitable use of AI technologies.
One of the primary challenges is related to data privacy and security. AI algorithms rely on large volumes of data, including sensitive health information, to train and improve their performance. Ensuring the privacy and security of patient data is essential to protect confidentiality and comply with regulatory requirements such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Implementing robust data encryption, access controls, and auditing mechanisms can help mitigate the risk of unauthorized access, data breaches, and privacy violations .
Ethical considerations also arise in AI decision-making processes, particularly regarding algorithmic bias, fairness, and transparency. AI algorithms may inadvertently perpetuate or exacerbate existing disparities and biases in healthcare, leading to unequal access to services and unequal treatment outcomes for marginalized or vulnerable populations. Therapists must critically evaluate the inputs, assumptions, and outcomes of AI algorithms to ensure they align with ethical principles such as beneficence, non-maleficence, autonomy, and justice. Additionally, transparency and explainability are crucial to building trust and accountability in AI systems, enabling therapists and patients to understand how decisions are made and intervene if necessary .
Interdisciplinary collaboration is essential to successfully integrate AI into pediatric OT practice. OT practitioners must collaborate with AI experts, computer scientists, engineers, and other stakeholders to develop, validate, and implement AI-driven tools and interventions. This collaboration facilitates the co-design of AI technologies that address the unique needs and priorities of pediatric OT settings, ensuring their usability, acceptability, and effectiveness in real-world clinical practice.
Moreover, ensuring the reliability, validity, and cultural appropriateness of AI-driven interventions is critical for their successful integration into pediatric OT practice. AI algorithms may produce inaccurate or biased results if trained on biased or incomplete datasets, leading to suboptimal outcomes or unintended consequences for patients. Therefore, therapists must critically evaluate the accuracy, generalizability, and cultural relevance of AI-driven interventions, considering factors such as language, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and cultural norms.
Finally, ongoing education and training for therapists on AI technologies are essential to foster their adoption and utilization in pediatric OT practice. Therapists must develop digital literacy skills, data literacy skills, and critical thinking skills to effectively evaluate, integrate, and utilize AI-driven tools and interventions. Continuing education programs, professional development opportunities, and interdisciplinary workshops can help therapists stay abreast of the latest advances in AI and apply them to enhance their clinical practice.
6. Future Directions and Implications
The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into pediatric occupational therapy (OT) holds significant promise for advancing clinical practice, improving patient outcomes, and addressing emerging challenges in children's healthcare. As AI technologies continue to evolve and mature, several future directions and implications are worth considering to maximize their potential impact in pediatric OT.
One future direction is the refinement and optimization of AI algorithms for more accurate and reliable assessment, intervention planning, and outcome prediction. Researchers and developers are continuously improving AI models, incorporating new data sources, and enhancing algorithmic performance to better meet the specific needs and challenges of pediatric OT settings. By leveraging advanced machine learning techniques, such as deep learning and reinforcement learning, AI algorithms can achieve higher levels of precision, sensitivity, and specificity in analyzing complex datasets and generating actionable insights.
Furthermore, exploring the integration of AI with traditional therapeutic approaches is a promising avenue for enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of pediatric OT interventions. AI technologies can complement and augment therapist-led interventions by providing personalized recommendations, adaptive feedback, and real-time performance monitoring. By combining the expertise of therapists with the computational power of AI, clinicians can develop holistic, evidence-based treatment plans that address the multidimensional needs of children with diverse developmental conditions.
Addressing disparities in access to AI-driven services is another important consideration for ensuring equitable care delivery in pediatric OT. While AI has the potential to improve access and outcomes for many children, barriers such as socioeconomic status, geographical location, and digital literacy may limit the reach and impact of AI-powered interventions. To mitigate these disparities, stakeholders must collaborate to develop inclusive and accessible AI solutions, prioritize underserved populations in research and development efforts, and advocate for policies that promote equitable access to healthcare services.
Moreover, ongoing research and innovation are needed to explore the long-term effects and sustainability of AI-driven interventions in pediatric OT. Longitudinal studies, randomized controlled trials, and implementation research can provide valuable insights into the efficacy, cost-effectiveness, and scalability of AI technologies in real-world clinical settings. By systematically evaluating the benefits, risks, and unintended consequences of AI integration, clinicians and policymakers can make informed decisions about resource allocation, practice guidelines, and reimbursement policies .
Finally, continued education and training for therapists on AI technologies are essential to empower them to effectively utilize and evaluate AI-driven tools and interventions. Professional development programs, workshops, and certification courses can help therapists develop the knowledge, skills, and confidence to incorporate AI into their clinical practice safely and ethically. By investing in therapist education and capacity building, healthcare organizations can ensure that AI integration in pediatric OT remains patient-centered, evidence-based, and aligned with professional standards and ethical guidelines.
7. Conclusion
The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into pediatric occupational therapy (OT) represents a significant advancement with the potential to revolutionize clinical practice and enhance patient outcomes. Through AI-driven assessment tools, personalized intervention strategies, telehealth solutions, and interdisciplinary collaboration, therapists can optimize care delivery, improve access to services, and empower children with diverse developmental needs.
Despite the promises of AI, challenges such as data privacy, ethical considerations, disparities in access, and the need for ongoing education persist. Addressing these challenges requires a concerted effort from stakeholders across healthcare, technology, and policy domains to ensure the ethical, effective, and equitable integration of AI into pediatric OT practice.
Looking ahead, continued research, innovation, and collaboration are needed to explore the full potential of AI in pediatric OT, refine algorithms, evaluate long-term outcomes, and empower therapists through education and training. By embracing these opportunities and addressing challenges proactively, pediatric OT practitioners can lead the way in harnessing the transformative power of AI to improve the lives of children and families worldwide.


Artificial Intelligence


Occupational Therapy


Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency


Autism Spectrum Disorder




Virtual Reality


Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

Author Contributions
Nirvi Sharma is the sole author. The author read and approved the final manuscript.
Conflicts of Interest
The author declares no conflicts of interest.
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    Sharma, N. (2024). Use of AI in Pediatric Occupational Therapy: A Review. Rehabilitation Science, 9(2), 21-26.

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    Sharma, N. Use of AI in Pediatric Occupational Therapy: A Review. Rehabil. Sci. 2024, 9(2), 21-26. doi: 10.11648/

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    Sharma N. Use of AI in Pediatric Occupational Therapy: A Review. Rehabil Sci. 2024;9(2):21-26. doi: 10.11648/

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    AB  - The utilization of artificial intelligence (AI) in pediatric occupational therapy (OT) has emerged as a promising avenue for enhancing assessment, intervention, and outcomes for children with diverse developmental needs. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the current state of AI applications in pediatric OT, highlighting key findings, benefits, challenges, and future directions. AI technologies, including machine learning algorithms, computer vision systems, and wearable sensors, offer innovative approaches to assess children's motor skills, sensory responses, and cognitive functions objectively and efficiently. AI-driven intervention strategies, such as personalized treatment planning, adaptive task selection, virtual reality environments, and gamified activities, promote engagement, motivation, and skill acquisition among pediatric patients. AI can be helpful in early diagnosis as well as early intervention. Additionally, AI-powered telehealth platforms enable remote delivery of OT services, real-time monitoring of patient progress, and access to care for underserved populations. However, challenges related to data privacy, ethical decision-making, disparities in access, and therapist education must be addressed to ensure the ethical, effective, and equitable integration of AI into pediatric OT practice. By embracing ongoing research, collaboration, and innovation, pediatric OT practitioners can harness the transformative potential of AI to improve outcomes and quality of life for children and families worldwide.
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