American Journal of Computer Science and Technology

Special Issue

Security and Privacy of the Behavioral Data Profiling Technique

  • Submission Deadline: 15 October 2020
  • Status: Submission Closed
  • Lead Guest Editor: Salmah Mousbah Zeed Mohammed
About This Special Issue
The rapid developments in mobile devices and communication technologies have facilitated the spread of interconnected sensors, actuators and heterogeneous devices which collect and exchange a large amount of data to offer a new class of advanced characterized by being available anywhere at any time and for anyone. In the past years, smartphones have become an indispensable component in modern society. Many of these devices rely on personal identification numbers as a form of user authentication. One of the main concerns in the use of mobile devices is the possibility of a breach in security and privacy if the device seized by an outside party. Smartphone can be easily lost due to their small size, thereby exposing details of user's private lives. Users behavior authentication is designed to overcome this problem by utilizing user behavioral technique to continuously access user identity. Accordingly, research into the security and privacy of the behavioral data profiling technique that utilizes data collected from the user behavior application to verifying the identity of the user in continuous manner.
Aims and Scope:
  1. This special issue aims to present the most important new authentication technique
  2. Behavioral data profiling is designed in a modular manner
  3. Behavioral data profiling provides a significant improvement in the security
  4. Enable verification of the user's identity through their applications usage
  5. Security of smartphones
  6. Decision making process
Lead Guest Editor
  • Salmah Mousbah Zeed Mohammed

    Department of Computer Science, Sirte University, Sirte, Libya

Guest Editors
  • Azizul Rahman Mohd Shariff

    Department of Computer Science, School of Computer Science, Batu Uban, Malaysia

  • Mohammad Shehab

    Department of Computer Science, Aqaba University of Technology, Aqaba, Jordan