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Natural Coal Aggregates to the Rescue of Fe°-Bed Filters in Quaternary Reactive Zones Fe°/S/Pz/CX to Repel Clogging and Boost Reactivity

Received: 29 May 2021     Accepted: 10 June 2021     Published: 21 June 2021
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The absorption and remediation power of natural coal (NC) and its contribution to the harvesting of corrosion products (CPs) resulting from electrochemical processes of Fe° oxidation in the reactive zone (RZ) of Fe°/S/Pz/C (Iron/Sand/Pozzolan/Natural Coal) in Fe°-bed filters have now been proven. As a result, an in-depth study of NC varieties (CX) for increased performance of Fe°/S/Pz/CX (Iron/Sand/Pozzolan/Natural Coals varieties) for water quality was investigated. Nine (9) systems were used, with respective RZs consisting of (1) Fe° (Pure Iron), (2) AC (pure Ayous wood’s Coal), (3) CC (pure Coconut bark’s Coal), (4) MC (pure Movingui wood’s Coal), (5) PC (pure Padouk wood’s Coal), (6) Fe°/S/Pz/AC (Iron/Sand/Pozzolan/Ayous wood’s Coal), (7) Fe°/S/Pz/CC (Iron/Sand/Pozzolan/Coconut bark’s Coal), (8) Fe°/S/Pz/MC (Iron /Sand/Pozzolan/Movingui wood’s Coal) and (9) Fe°/S/Pz/PC (Iron/Sand/Pozzolan/Padouk wood’s Coal). OM (orange methyl) of 2 mg/L concentration was used as operative indicator. The experiments lasted forty (40) days per device. We measured the pH, discoloration, dissolved iron content of the collected water, while observing the flow rate and stability of every Fe°/S/Pz/CX. Thereby, the beneficial effects of the Pz/CX combination in the RZ are proven regardless of the variety used. Thus, CC is the best absorbent material almost as good as Fe°. PC has the best throughput and therefore the most permeable. All varieties contribute to the minimization of iron released. The pH is in line with WHO recommendations. Fe°/S/Pz/CX discoloration’s performance is thus evolving: Fe°/S/Pz/CC ˃ Fe°/S/Pz /AC ˃ Fe°/S/Pz/MC ˃ Fe°/S/Pz/PC ˃ pure Fe°; the flow changes inversely. With 98% ≤ 25% Fe° / 25% S / 25% Pz / 25% CC ≤ 100% discoloration rate, Fe°/S/Pz/CC is the most stable over time. CC appears to be the best non-expansive porous material to be combined with the ternary Fe°-based filters, and widely with Fe°/H2O systems to allow a resurgence of efficiency, to delay clogging and extend lifespan.

Published in American Journal of Applied Chemistry (Volume 9, Issue 3)
DOI 10.11648/j.ajac.20210903.13
Page(s) 74-82
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This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2021. Published by Science Publishing Group


Aqueous Corrosion, Ayous, Fe°-bed Filters, Coal, Coconut’s Bark, Movingui, Orange Methyl, Padouk

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  • APA Style

    Suzanne Makota S. N., Dipita Kolye Ernest Yves Herliche. (2021). Natural Coal Aggregates to the Rescue of Fe°-Bed Filters in Quaternary Reactive Zones Fe°/S/Pz/CX to Repel Clogging and Boost Reactivity. American Journal of Applied Chemistry, 9(3), 74-82. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ajac.20210903.13

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    ACS Style

    Suzanne Makota S. N.; Dipita Kolye Ernest Yves Herliche. Natural Coal Aggregates to the Rescue of Fe°-Bed Filters in Quaternary Reactive Zones Fe°/S/Pz/CX to Repel Clogging and Boost Reactivity. Am. J. Appl. Chem. 2021, 9(3), 74-82. doi: 10.11648/j.ajac.20210903.13

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    AMA Style

    Suzanne Makota S. N., Dipita Kolye Ernest Yves Herliche. Natural Coal Aggregates to the Rescue of Fe°-Bed Filters in Quaternary Reactive Zones Fe°/S/Pz/CX to Repel Clogging and Boost Reactivity. Am J Appl Chem. 2021;9(3):74-82. doi: 10.11648/j.ajac.20210903.13

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      author = {Suzanne Makota S. N. and Dipita Kolye Ernest Yves Herliche},
      title = {Natural Coal Aggregates to the Rescue of Fe°-Bed Filters in Quaternary Reactive Zones Fe°/S/Pz/CX to Repel Clogging and Boost Reactivity},
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     year = {2021}

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  • TY  - JOUR
    T1  - Natural Coal Aggregates to the Rescue of Fe°-Bed Filters in Quaternary Reactive Zones Fe°/S/Pz/CX to Repel Clogging and Boost Reactivity
    AU  - Suzanne Makota S. N.
    AU  - Dipita Kolye Ernest Yves Herliche
    Y1  - 2021/06/21
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    UR  - https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ajac.20210903.13
    AB  - The absorption and remediation power of natural coal (NC) and its contribution to the harvesting of corrosion products (CPs) resulting from electrochemical processes of Fe° oxidation in the reactive zone (RZ) of Fe°/S/Pz/C (Iron/Sand/Pozzolan/Natural Coal) in Fe°-bed filters have now been proven. As a result, an in-depth study of NC varieties (CX) for increased performance of Fe°/S/Pz/CX (Iron/Sand/Pozzolan/Natural Coals varieties) for water quality was investigated. Nine (9) systems were used, with respective RZs consisting of (1) Fe° (Pure Iron), (2) AC (pure Ayous wood’s Coal), (3) CC (pure Coconut bark’s Coal), (4) MC (pure Movingui wood’s Coal), (5) PC (pure Padouk wood’s Coal), (6) Fe°/S/Pz/AC (Iron/Sand/Pozzolan/Ayous wood’s Coal), (7) Fe°/S/Pz/CC (Iron/Sand/Pozzolan/Coconut bark’s Coal), (8) Fe°/S/Pz/MC (Iron /Sand/Pozzolan/Movingui wood’s Coal) and (9) Fe°/S/Pz/PC (Iron/Sand/Pozzolan/Padouk wood’s Coal). OM (orange methyl) of 2 mg/L concentration was used as operative indicator. The experiments lasted forty (40) days per device. We measured the pH, discoloration, dissolved iron content of the collected water, while observing the flow rate and stability of every Fe°/S/Pz/CX. Thereby, the beneficial effects of the Pz/CX combination in the RZ are proven regardless of the variety used. Thus, CC is the best absorbent material almost as good as Fe°. PC has the best throughput and therefore the most permeable. All varieties contribute to the minimization of iron released. The pH is in line with WHO recommendations. Fe°/S/Pz/CX discoloration’s performance is thus evolving: Fe°/S/Pz/CC ˃ Fe°/S/Pz /AC ˃ Fe°/S/Pz/MC ˃ Fe°/S/Pz/PC ˃ pure Fe°; the flow changes inversely. With 98% ≤ 25% Fe° / 25% S / 25% Pz / 25% CC ≤ 100% discoloration rate, Fe°/S/Pz/CC is the most stable over time. CC appears to be the best non-expansive porous material to be combined with the ternary Fe°-based filters, and widely with Fe°/H2O systems to allow a resurgence of efficiency, to delay clogging and extend lifespan.
    VL  - 9
    IS  - 3
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, University of Douala, Douala, Cameroon

  • Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, University of Douala, Douala, Cameroon

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