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Impact of Climatic Change on Avian Populations: Implication for Long Term Conservation in Wildlife Genetic Resources

Received: 19 September 2016     Accepted: 4 January 2017     Published: 21 February 2017
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Climate change is a multidimensional challenged on bird population indirectly. Wildlife species are not equally at risk when facing climate change. Several species-specific attributes have been identified as increasing species vulnerability to climate change, including diets, migratory strategy, main habitat types and ecological specialization. Conservationists mostly used small number of species as surrogates to help them tackle conservation problems. Having served as reliable indicators of environmental change for centuries, bird populations now indicate that global warming have set in motion as a powerful chain of effects in ecosystems worldwide. The effect of climate change on the variation of species distribution is a matter of conservation emphasis globally. Successful management and conservation of species and their respective habitat dilemma under climate change rely on our ability to model species-habitat interaction and predict species distribution under changing environmental condition. We realize birds every day and they contribute much to our personal lives through attracting public attention. Beyond their aesthetic, cultural and ecological values, activities associated with birds. Everywhere birds are an integral part of our natural ecosystems. Birds pollinate plants and disperse their seeds, thereby facilitating genetic exchange and seed germination. They can serve as sensitive ecological indicators of threats to environmental health. Habitat loss, highway expansion, environmental unfriendly infrastructures, pollution and climate change have already led bird species becoming listed as threatened or endangered under the endangered species act. Climate change will almost certainly cause more species to be added to these lists, as well as exacerbate the challenges rare, threatened and endangered species already face. Moreover, large contractions in the range of many currently common and widespread species are expected.

Published in American Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering (Volume 5, Issue 1)
DOI 10.11648/j.bio.20170501.15
Page(s) 23-33
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This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2017. Published by Science Publishing Group


Conservation Emphasis, Eco-climate Change, Hotspot, Megafauna, Scenario, Sensitive Indicators

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  • APA Style

    Weldemariam Tesfahunegny, Getachew Mulualem. (2017). Impact of Climatic Change on Avian Populations: Implication for Long Term Conservation in Wildlife Genetic Resources. American Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 5(1), 23-33. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.bio.20170501.15

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    ACS Style

    Weldemariam Tesfahunegny; Getachew Mulualem. Impact of Climatic Change on Avian Populations: Implication for Long Term Conservation in Wildlife Genetic Resources. Am. J. BioSci. Bioeng. 2017, 5(1), 23-33. doi: 10.11648/j.bio.20170501.15

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    AMA Style

    Weldemariam Tesfahunegny, Getachew Mulualem. Impact of Climatic Change on Avian Populations: Implication for Long Term Conservation in Wildlife Genetic Resources. Am J BioSci Bioeng. 2017;5(1):23-33. doi: 10.11648/j.bio.20170501.15

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  • @article{10.11648/j.bio.20170501.15,
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    AB  - Climate change is a multidimensional challenged on bird population indirectly. Wildlife species are not equally at risk when facing climate change. Several species-specific attributes have been identified as increasing species vulnerability to climate change, including diets, migratory strategy, main habitat types and ecological specialization. Conservationists mostly used small number of species as surrogates to help them tackle conservation problems. Having served as reliable indicators of environmental change for centuries, bird populations now indicate that global warming have set in motion as a powerful chain of effects in ecosystems worldwide. The effect of climate change on the variation of species distribution is a matter of conservation emphasis globally. Successful management and conservation of species and their respective habitat dilemma under climate change rely on our ability to model species-habitat interaction and predict species distribution under changing environmental condition. We realize birds every day and they contribute much to our personal lives through attracting public attention. Beyond their aesthetic, cultural and ecological values, activities associated with birds. Everywhere birds are an integral part of our natural ecosystems. Birds pollinate plants and disperse their seeds, thereby facilitating genetic exchange and seed germination. They can serve as sensitive ecological indicators of threats to environmental health. Habitat loss, highway expansion, environmental unfriendly infrastructures, pollution and climate change have already led bird species becoming listed as threatened or endangered under the endangered species act. Climate change will almost certainly cause more species to be added to these lists, as well as exacerbate the challenges rare, threatened and endangered species already face. Moreover, large contractions in the range of many currently common and widespread species are expected.
    VL  - 5
    IS  - 1
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute, Animal Biodiversity Directorate, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

  • Mekelle Biodiversity Centre, Animal Biodiversity, Wildlife Studies, Tigray, Ethiopia

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