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Is There a Strategic Approach of Entrepreneurship in Africa

Received: 7 June 2020     Accepted: 16 July 2020     Published: 28 July 2020
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Entrepreneurship is a logical consequence of the transformation of our society. From the industrial era to the information age, the north and south find themselves in an almost similar situation: the need to review their socio-economic fundamentals and the need to devise new approaches in the field of work. In the near future where our grandchildren and great-grandchildren will discover the "salary" by going to visit the museums! Indeed, our economy, based on industrialization and consumption, dates back to the early 19th century; This is infinitely small on the scale of human history. Other models existed. This is a major issue and a great responsibility for Africa. Our difficulties are twofold: the non-support of companies by banks and the immaturity of the working population. This leads to a high corporate "mortality" rate. Taxation of African countries is not a development tax. She kills them; The entrepreneurship section is made up of editors with a wide variety of interests. They share a very strong interest, even a daily obsession, for innovation in the broadest sense, companies that move and move the African continent. Their mission is to share their thoughts on the private sector, to promote inspiring entrepreneurs, social entrepreneurs, and to participate in debates on the role of companies in development. Entrepreneurship in Africa is fashionable and full of virtues. Like the term "innovation," to which it is often associated, the word "entrepreneurship" swirls in private and public managerial modes. This is why it is beneficial to step back and frame the issues and strategic approach to entrepreneurship in Africa. Everyone is an entrepreneur, some entrepreneurial successes are magnified in the big press, even in management training around the figures of transcendent and rich individuals. Entrepreneurs would be innovators, entrepreneurs' "bosses", start-ups in the new digital economy, entrepreneurship is all-round and financed in new forms. The interest of our article is to analyze entrepreneurship in Africa which is a serious matter. The overall approach to entrepreneurship is not just about starting a business, but about "entrepreneurial acting". Action is broader than action. We engage in a practitioner's approach that builds his relationship to the environment as he discovers and builds it. This is the ambition of the African entrepreneurship factory today: to act and think as an entrepreneur, in entrepreneurship.

Published in European Business & Management (Volume 6, Issue 4)
DOI 10.11648/j.ebm.20200604.12
Page(s) 67-83
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2020. Published by Science Publishing Group


Approach, Strategic, Entrepreneurship, Africa

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  • APA Style

    Sylla Mamadou. (2020). Is There a Strategic Approach of Entrepreneurship in Africa. European Business & Management, 6(4), 67-83. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ebm.20200604.12

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    ACS Style

    Sylla Mamadou. Is There a Strategic Approach of Entrepreneurship in Africa. Eur. Bus. Manag. 2020, 6(4), 67-83. doi: 10.11648/j.ebm.20200604.12

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    AMA Style

    Sylla Mamadou. Is There a Strategic Approach of Entrepreneurship in Africa. Eur Bus Manag. 2020;6(4):67-83. doi: 10.11648/j.ebm.20200604.12

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  • @article{10.11648/j.ebm.20200604.12,
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      abstract = {Entrepreneurship is a logical consequence of the transformation of our society. From the industrial era to the information age, the north and south find themselves in an almost similar situation: the need to review their socio-economic fundamentals and the need to devise new approaches in the field of work. In the near future where our grandchildren and great-grandchildren will discover the "salary" by going to visit the museums! Indeed, our economy, based on industrialization and consumption, dates back to the early 19th century; This is infinitely small on the scale of human history. Other models existed. This is a major issue and a great responsibility for Africa. Our difficulties are twofold: the non-support of companies by banks and the immaturity of the working population. This leads to a high corporate "mortality" rate. Taxation of African countries is not a development tax. She kills them; The entrepreneurship section is made up of editors with a wide variety of interests. They share a very strong interest, even a daily obsession, for innovation in the broadest sense, companies that move and move the African continent. Their mission is to share their thoughts on the private sector, to promote inspiring entrepreneurs, social entrepreneurs, and to participate in debates on the role of companies in development. Entrepreneurship in Africa is fashionable and full of virtues. Like the term "innovation," to which it is often associated, the word "entrepreneurship" swirls in private and public managerial modes. This is why it is beneficial to step back and frame the issues and strategic approach to entrepreneurship in Africa. Everyone is an entrepreneur, some entrepreneurial successes are magnified in the big press, even in management training around the figures of transcendent and rich individuals. Entrepreneurs would be innovators, entrepreneurs' "bosses", start-ups in the new digital economy, entrepreneurship is all-round and financed in new forms. The interest of our article is to analyze entrepreneurship in Africa which is a serious matter. The overall approach to entrepreneurship is not just about starting a business, but about "entrepreneurial acting". Action is broader than action. We engage in a practitioner's approach that builds his relationship to the environment as he discovers and builds it. This is the ambition of the African entrepreneurship factory today: to act and think as an entrepreneur, in entrepreneurship.},
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    Y1  - 2020/07/28
    PY  - 2020
    N1  - https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ebm.20200604.12
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    UR  - https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ebm.20200604.12
    AB  - Entrepreneurship is a logical consequence of the transformation of our society. From the industrial era to the information age, the north and south find themselves in an almost similar situation: the need to review their socio-economic fundamentals and the need to devise new approaches in the field of work. In the near future where our grandchildren and great-grandchildren will discover the "salary" by going to visit the museums! Indeed, our economy, based on industrialization and consumption, dates back to the early 19th century; This is infinitely small on the scale of human history. Other models existed. This is a major issue and a great responsibility for Africa. Our difficulties are twofold: the non-support of companies by banks and the immaturity of the working population. This leads to a high corporate "mortality" rate. Taxation of African countries is not a development tax. She kills them; The entrepreneurship section is made up of editors with a wide variety of interests. They share a very strong interest, even a daily obsession, for innovation in the broadest sense, companies that move and move the African continent. Their mission is to share their thoughts on the private sector, to promote inspiring entrepreneurs, social entrepreneurs, and to participate in debates on the role of companies in development. Entrepreneurship in Africa is fashionable and full of virtues. Like the term "innovation," to which it is often associated, the word "entrepreneurship" swirls in private and public managerial modes. This is why it is beneficial to step back and frame the issues and strategic approach to entrepreneurship in Africa. Everyone is an entrepreneur, some entrepreneurial successes are magnified in the big press, even in management training around the figures of transcendent and rich individuals. Entrepreneurs would be innovators, entrepreneurs' "bosses", start-ups in the new digital economy, entrepreneurship is all-round and financed in new forms. The interest of our article is to analyze entrepreneurship in Africa which is a serious matter. The overall approach to entrepreneurship is not just about starting a business, but about "entrepreneurial acting". Action is broader than action. We engage in a practitioner's approach that builds his relationship to the environment as he discovers and builds it. This is the ambition of the African entrepreneurship factory today: to act and think as an entrepreneur, in entrepreneurship.
    VL  - 6
    IS  - 4
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Faculty of Economics and Management, University Félix Houphou?t-Boigny, Abidjan-Cocody, C?te d’ivoire

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