This paper aims to describe Combinatory Linguistics as an area dealing with syntagmatic relations of language units and their combinatory profile. In this respect collocability is a subject of separate study and it should be described in an independent branch of language area. Combinatory Linguistics includes theoretical (Combinatory Lexicology, Combinatory Semasiology) and an applied section (Combinatorial Lexicography). The perspectives, objectives, terminological framework and the fundamental theory prove the importance of combinatory science about language in the structure of theoretical and applied linguistics. Within the discipline the following aspects of studying combinability of language units can be singled out: methodological, metalinguistic, functional, semantic, cognitive, psycholinguistic, normative, etc.
Published in | International Journal of Language and Linguistics (Volume 2, Issue 3) |
DOI | 10.11648/j.ijll.20140203.15 |
Page(s) | 165-173 |
Creative Commons |
This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited. |
Copyright |
Copyright © The Author(s), 2014. Published by Science Publishing Group |
Combinatorics, Syntagmatics, Collocability, Combinability, Compatibility, Valence, Context, Collocation
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APA Style
Marina Vlavatskaya. (2014). Combinatory Linguistics: An Area of Theoretical and Applied Language Study. International Journal of Language and Linguistics, 2(3), 165-173.
ACS Style
Marina Vlavatskaya. Combinatory Linguistics: An Area of Theoretical and Applied Language Study. Int. J. Lang. Linguist. 2014, 2(3), 165-173. doi: 10.11648/j.ijll.20140203.15
AMA Style
Marina Vlavatskaya. Combinatory Linguistics: An Area of Theoretical and Applied Language Study. Int J Lang Linguist. 2014;2(3):165-173. doi: 10.11648/j.ijll.20140203.15
@article{10.11648/j.ijll.20140203.15, author = {Marina Vlavatskaya}, title = {Combinatory Linguistics: An Area of Theoretical and Applied Language Study}, journal = {International Journal of Language and Linguistics}, volume = {2}, number = {3}, pages = {165-173}, doi = {10.11648/j.ijll.20140203.15}, url = {}, eprint = {}, abstract = {This paper aims to describe Combinatory Linguistics as an area dealing with syntagmatic relations of language units and their combinatory profile. In this respect collocability is a subject of separate study and it should be described in an independent branch of language area. Combinatory Linguistics includes theoretical (Combinatory Lexicology, Combinatory Semasiology) and an applied section (Combinatorial Lexicography). The perspectives, objectives, terminological framework and the fundamental theory prove the importance of combinatory science about language in the structure of theoretical and applied linguistics. Within the discipline the following aspects of studying combinability of language units can be singled out: methodological, metalinguistic, functional, semantic, cognitive, psycholinguistic, normative, etc.}, year = {2014} }
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