Internet of Things and Cloud Computing

Volume 8, Issue 1, March 2020

  • Security Challenges in IoT Platforms and Possible Solutions

    Dagogo Godwin Orifama, Hope Okoro

    Issue: Volume 8, Issue 1, March 2020
    Pages: 1-7
    Received: 20 January 2020
    Accepted: 11 February 2020
    Published: 18 February 2020
    Abstract: There has been an increase in the electronic devices connected to the internet space, with at least 40 billion more devices becoming smart devices via the embedded system in 2020. The internet of things (IoT) is an emerging technology that deals with the interconnection of smart devices via the internet space, hence providing enhanced communication... Show More
  • Application of IoT and Countermeasure in Agriculture of Shandong Province, China

    Li Guangzhong

    Issue: Volume 8, Issue 1, March 2020
    Pages: 8-11
    Received: 1 April 2020
    Accepted: 21 April 2020
    Published: 28 April 2020
    Abstract: As a major agricultural province in China, Shandong Province has always played an important role. At the same time, it is also closely related to the strong support of science and technology. As a new technology, the Internet of things (IoT) has made positive contributions. Agricultural IoT is a mode that uses information technology, wireless commu... Show More
  • Actual Issues of Modern Digital Vehicle Forensic

    Roman Rak, Dagmar Kopencova

    Issue: Volume 8, Issue 1, March 2020
    Pages: 12-16
    Received: 17 April 2020
    Published: 3 June 2020
    Abstract: Today, the development of the automotive industry is associated with the phenomena of electromobility, autonomous vehicles, digitisation and telematics. New vehicles contain a large number of electronic control units which process and preserve digital data on the vehicle’s activity and its occupants, including communication with the external enviro... Show More