Abstract: Among the leading global contributors to anthropogenic CO2 emissions, the iron and steel industries are energy-intensive sectors. This is due to the fact that fuel and iron ore are reduced using non-renewable energy sources like coal and charcoal. A tonne of iron is produced, and that produces roughly 1.9 tonnes of CO2 gas. It is necessary to switch to clean energy sources from conventional carbon-emitting sources in order to lower emissions from the iron and steel industry. Hydrogen is a substitute fuel that has the potential to replace carbon-emitting fuel in the iron and steel sectors, according to the present trend in clean energy development. Hydrogen can be employed as a reducing agent in blast furnaces as an auxiliary or as the only reducing agent in the direct reduction process, which is how iron and steel are produced. Water is the only byproduct of the electrolysis process, which creates green hydrogen using renewable energy sources. In the iron industry, using green hydrogen can lower intensive carbon emissions. Green steel or iron production costs can be competitive and less carbon intensive if the cost of producing green hydrogen is low. In this paper, the steel and iron production from green hydrogen is studied to contribute to developing the conceptual design along with challenges for handling the hydrogen in these industries and compared with the conventional carbon-based process. In addition, the economic assessment for the production of steel from a green hydrogen-based process.
Abstract: Among the leading global contributors to anthropogenic CO2 emissions, the iron and steel industries are energy-intensive sectors. This is due to the fact that fuel and iron ore are reduced using non-renewable energy sources like coal and charcoal. A tonne of iron is produced, and that produces roughly 1.9 tonnes of CO2 gas. It is necessary to switc...Show More
Abstract: This work concerns the calculations of interacting boson fermion-fermion model (IBFFM) for the odd-odd nucleus 134Cs. The energy levels (positive and negative parity states), electric transition probability B(E2), magnetic transition probability B(M1), quadrupole and magnetic dipole moments have been studied in this work. The IBFFM results are compared with the available experimental data. In the present work, the IBFFM pattern of total and parametric dependent level densities for the odd-odd nucleus 134Cs is investigated and compared to the pattern found in previous investigations in the framework of combinatorial and spectral distribution approaches. When comparing the theoretical values with the available experimental values, it was found that there is a good match between them. This is due to the values of the Hamiltonian parameters that were found accurately, so this IBFFM model is considered one of the effective models in studying the nuclear structure of odd-odd nuclei. The level density of the odd-odd nucleus 196Au is investigated in the interacting boson-fermion-fermion model (IBFFM) which accounts for collectivity and complex interaction between quasiparticle and collective modes. The IBFFM spin-dependent level densities show high-spin reduction with respect to Bethe formula. This can be well accounted for by a modified spin-dependent level density formula.
Abstract: This work concerns the calculations of interacting boson fermion-fermion model (IBFFM) for the odd-odd nucleus 134Cs. The energy levels (positive and negative parity states), electric transition probability B(E2), magnetic transition probability B(M1), quadrupole and magnetic dipole moments have been studied in this work. The IBFFM results are comp...Show More