Aims and Scope
International Journal of Sustainable Development Research (ISSN Online: 2575-1832, ISSN Print: 2575-1824) is a bimonthly publication of new ideas, the state of the art research results, concepts, implementations, applications, industrial cases and fundamental advances in all aspects of computer science and information technology. It is a scholarly, peer reviewed, refereed international journal with a primary objective to provide the industrial and academic community a platform for the submission of original and novel ideas in science, computer and communication.
The topics related to this journal include but are not limited to:
- Software requirements engineering
- Software development and maintenance
- Software testing
- Software analysis
- Theory and formal methods design
- Human-computer interaction
- Reverse engineering and software maintenance
- Object-oriented technology
- Computer-supported cooperative work
- Middleware techniques
- Empirical software engineering and metrics
- Safety and reliability
- Databases
- Policy and ethics
- Programming languages and software engineering
- Embedded and real-time software
- Data mining and data warehousing
- E-government and other sustainable research
- Software architectures and design
- Software project management
- Diagnosis and validation
- Assessment and evaluation
- Analysis of algorithms
- Software processes and workflows
- Aspect-orientation and feature interaction
- Component-based software engineering
- Agent-based software systems
- AI and knowledge based software engineering
- Software security
- Distribution and parallelism
- Software economics
- Software tools and development environments
- Mobile and ubiquitous computing
- Database
- Internet and information systems development
Guidelines for preparing your manuscript can be found in the Manuscript Preparation Guidelines. Once your manuscript is ready, you may proceed to the Submission page to complete the process.