Ethiopian Environmental Impact Assessment Proclamation NO. 299/2002Vis a Vis Other Sectoral Laws
Volume 6, Issue 2, December 2022
27 July 2022
25 August 2022
16 September 2022
Abstract: For development to be sustainable, environmental protection is very important. And sustainable development could be achieved by effectively balancing social, environmental, and economic goals. In Ethiopia, the environment, society, and economy are so intertwined that they require systematic attention in government policy and law to realize synergies and avoid conflicts between these three fundamental components of sustainable development. Environmental Impact Assessment is a fundamental technique for preventing, reducing, or offsetting the significant negative environmental impacts of development activities while enhancing the good ones. To this end, major economic development activities should pass through the EIA process. This study aims to conduct a legal analysis to determine whether Ethiopian EIA Proclamation No. 299/2002 is integrated into major sectoral laws governing economic activities. To accomplish this, a doctrinal methodology based on primary and secondary data sources was applied. A comparison of repealed and existing laws concerning EIA requirements under sectoral laws was used to provide additional insight into the status of former and present laws on EIA. The study contends that Ethiopia's EIA law is not adequately integrated with various sectoral laws and that their development activities have major consequences for human health and the environment. Consequently, the writer recommends making legal reform to EIA Proclamation and the major Sectoral laws, creating a system of public interest litigation for the functioning of EIA, analyzing different laws that conflict with EIA requirements, and creating follow-up and implementation systems, as well as raising awareness on the importance of EIA.
Abstract: For development to be sustainable, environmental protection is very important. And sustainable development could be achieved by effectively balancing social, environmental, and economic goals. In Ethiopia, the environment, society, and economy are so intertwined that they require systematic attention in government policy and law to realize synergie...
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Analysis of Conflict Promoters and Root Causes: Facts and Fictions about the Western Response
Alie Wube Damtew,
Amare Mitiku
Volume 6, Issue 2, December 2022
25 July 2022
31 August 2022
29 October 2022
Abstract: The purpose of this research was to investigate the root causes and boosters of conflict in the Amhara and Afar regions. This study began by attempting to identify and critically examine the core causes of conflict, violence, and instability across the country. The data was analyzed and studied using both qualitative and quantitative methodologies, employing both primary and secondary data. For developing country scenarios, the realities, fictions, and perspectives of western nation conflict resolution methods were investigated. Various governmental institutions, government organizations, and public service centers have been impacted by western promoters and TPLF assistance, leading to severe unemployment and social unrest, putting millions of Amhara and Afar people in danger. This investigation indicated that the western process goes through, at least from a common law perspective, is not concerned with finding the truth as much as it is with offering evidence that proves guilt or innocence, evidence that is contested and interpreted in different ways to win a case. Criminal developments, whether at the national or international level, are primarily about meting out justice for alleged wrongs committed by individuals and denied by western countries through their interests. Several international actors and western nations involved in the political process, particularly the United States, the United Nations Security Council, the World Health Organization, and the European Union, continue to engage in violence and criminal activity. Thousands of elderly, women, youth, and children have been among the most vulnerable victims of the current situation in Amhara and Afar regions as a result of the violent response to violence and Western nations' continued support for the TPLF. Our situation analyses and investigations confirm that the UN Security Council, the United Nations, the United States, the European Union, the World Health Organization, and the world food and agriculture organizations make unfair, discriminatory, and fictitious decisions and reports about the victims of the Amhara and Afar peoples. They are both promoters of peace and promoters of conflict.
Abstract: The purpose of this research was to investigate the root causes and boosters of conflict in the Amhara and Afar regions. This study began by attempting to identify and critically examine the core causes of conflict, violence, and instability across the country. The data was analyzed and studied using both qualitative and quantitative methodologies,...
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