Abstract: Decision Trees use a decision support tool that utilizes tree like graph model and make decisions. Naïve Bayesian classifier is a binary classifier to get yes/no from the data and it is a very primitive method of finding true or false classification from a dataset. Both algorithms can be used as a predictive model in machine learning and data-mining. Here, a comparative analysis between these two machine learning algorithms is done. The data we have is used to classify if the client is the default credit card holder or not. In the perspective of risk management, the result can be used to accurately get the result of classifying credible or non-credible clients.Abstract: Decision Trees use a decision support tool that utilizes tree like graph model and make decisions. Naïve Bayesian classifier is a binary classifier to get yes/no from the data and it is a very primitive method of finding true or false classification from a dataset. Both algorithms can be used as a predictive model in machine learning and data-minin...Show More