Research Article
A Look at the Perception of Human and Civilizations in Friedrich Nietzsche’s Work Antichrist
Shener Bilalli*
Volume 12, Issue 3, September 2024
25 March 2024
2 July 2024
15 July 2024
Abstract: Considering the perception lik a abilty to see, hear or become aware, in this research, focused upon a subject that has left a great mark on the world-wide literature and opened the door to great debates. This subject is mentioned in Nietzsche's famous work, ANTICHRIST. of man and person its nature of development your obstacles and this your obstacles How will be surpassed over One attempt to do has been studied. Same in time human being One individual and society One Part of its aspect civilization to be able to create in front of philosophical, religious, and political of your obstacle’s detection and this your determination to the reader reflection has been made. The main theme of this study while real politics and social of development According to Nietzsche, how it should be done was expressed. A pivotal aspect of Nietzsche’s analysis lies in the contradictory nature of the modern individual's consciousness and ignorance. Despite the allure of advancement, Nietzsche scrutinizes modernity’s superficial enlightenment, championing increased awareness and resilience against societal shortcomings. Nietzche challenges traditional notions of virtue, advocating for a shift away from rigid moral doctrines towards innate instincts and personal growth. Nietzsche’s discourse extends beyond mere criticism, promoting education, primal instincts, and nuanced comprehension of human development. Rejecting simplistic hierarchical frameworks, he attributes human advancement to intrinsic impulses rather than societal constructs. At the core of Nietzsche’s argument lies the concept of instinctual power, crucial for both societal progress and individual fulfillment. The study elucidates Nietzsche’s condemnation of compassion as an impediment to progress, echoing Aristotle’s insights. Nietzsche advocates for an unyielding stance against barriers hindering societal evolution, urging individuals to embrace self-esteem, self-affection, and autonomy. Nietzsche’s "Antichrist" provides profound reflections on humanity’s trajectory, urging a departure from dogmatic beliefs towards instinct-driven growth. The research underscores Nietzsche’s vision of a civilization harmonized with nature, liberated from societal constraints, and driven by individual integrity and primal instincts.
Abstract: Considering the perception lik a abilty to see, hear or become aware, in this research, focused upon a subject that has left a great mark on the world-wide literature and opened the door to great debates. This subject is mentioned in Nietzsche's famous work, ANTICHRIST. of man and person its nature of development your obstacles and this your obstac...
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Research Article
A Philosophical Analysis of the Legitimacy of Political Power in Tanzania from a Lockean Perspective
Robert Masandiko*
Thomas Marwa Monchena
Volume 12, Issue 3, September 2024
17 July 2024
12 August 2024
27 August 2024
Abstract: This article conducts a philosophical analysis of the legitimacy of political power in Tanzania using John Locke’s political theory as a framework. It evolved from researcher’s observation and empirical studies that concerned political legitimacy in Tanzania. The lack of philosophical approach opened away for philosophical investigations and the necessity of involving philosophical views like that of the John Locke, in addressing of the shaking political legitimacy in Tanzania. The factors such as; allegations of corruption, restricted freedom of expression and limited access to justice, stimulated the author into philosophical inquiring, in accordance to John Locke’s political philosophy on the theory of legitimacy of political power. The Article examines how Locke’s principles of consent, protection of individual rights, and limited government apply within Tanzania’s socio-political context. The study highlights significant challenges to political legitimacy, including allegations of electoral manipulation, constraints on political freedoms, and governance issues such as corruption and lack of transparency. Recommendations are proposed to enhance democratic governance and accountability in Tanzania, emphasizing the critical need to strengthen electoral integrity, protect fundamental rights such as freedom of expression and assembly, and bolster institutional frameworks for transparency and judicial independence. By applying Locke’s principles, this analysis aims to contribute insights into the dynamics of political authority in Tanzania and suggest pathways for fostering a more inclusive, accountable, and legitimate governance framework aligned with the aspirations of its citizens.
Abstract: This article conducts a philosophical analysis of the legitimacy of political power in Tanzania using John Locke’s political theory as a framework. It evolved from researcher’s observation and empirical studies that concerned political legitimacy in Tanzania. The lack of philosophical approach opened away for philosophical investigations and the ne...
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Research Article
A Comparative Analysis Between Islamic Theism and Atheism
Mohammad Rahman*
Volume 12, Issue 3, September 2024
9 August 2024
2 September 2024
20 September 2024
Abstract: The world can be divided between atheism and theism, a division that also fuels its social conflicts, moral outlook, and social evolution. If not for the question of why God did not create everything in peace, harmony, and reconciliation, we might not have seen this division. Atheism thrives and lives on the consideration of a merciful God allowing suffering, hardship, and punishment while theism on the belief in divine tests practiced through higher values. However, the arguments for theism and atheism are still ongoing while affecting humanity at large. Even though theism is not as strong globally as it was at some time in the past, it still has a considerable influence in many major areas of the world. Islamic theism is a major influence driving the politics and addressing social conflicts in the Middle East and many other parts of the world. This discussion analyses both Islamic theism and atheism comparatively arguing for Islamic theism and against atheism. As atheism has no authoritative sources like Islamic theism has in the Quran and Hadith the atheistic perspectives are largely dependent upon its leading proponents and history. The discussion finds atheism is great for those who have wealth, resources, and influence while theism is best suited to make positive changes for humanity as a whole. Atheism is then a luxury while theism is a necessity. The reader is strongly urged to consider the footnotes for greater understanding.
Abstract: The world can be divided between atheism and theism, a division that also fuels its social conflicts, moral outlook, and social evolution. If not for the question of why God did not create everything in peace, harmony, and reconciliation, we might not have seen this division. Atheism thrives and lives on the consideration of a merciful God allowing...
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Research Article
Being-Time, or How Traditional Japanese Thought Collided with Western Philosophy and Modern Physics at Hiroshima
Christopher Curtis Mead*
Volume 12, Issue 3, September 2024
28 July 2024
11 September 2024
29 September 2024
Abstract: The atom bomb that annihilated Hiroshima, Japan, on August 6, 1945, proved Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity. Mass became energy and the classic Western dialectic of three-dimensional space and linear time was displaced by the integrated concept of spacetime. On that day, modern physics also collided with the traditional Japanese understanding that space and time are interdependent phenomena. This collision speaks to conceptual parallels relating Buddhist thought, modern Japanese philosophy, phenomenology, and the physics of spacetime. The thirteenth-century Zen Buddhist monk Dōgen said that all phenomena are made possible by the universal principle of emptiness and that our existence arises with each moment in what he termed Being-Time, where past, present, and future co-exist. The Japanese philosopher Nishida Kitarō, along with Tanabe Hajime and Watsuji Tetsurō, saw reality as a multi-dimensional field of space-in-time where the individual subject no longer stood apart from the objective world but instead arose dynamically as contingent activities rather than an autonomous thing. The German philosopher Martin Heidegger rejected the rational binary of subject and object in Western thought and grounded our “being” in phenomena that came from their temporal being-in-the-world rather than representing some preexisting objective reality. The physicist Albert Einstein radically rethought the dialectic of three-dimensional space and linear time, used to schematize the physical world in the West since antiquity, and theorized the relativity of spacetime, in which all phenomena occur in space in relation to their place in time. Interwoven, these intellectual threads stripped the bombing of Hiroshima of its historical inevitability. The story of human experience lost its customary sense of going somewhere predetermined and was revealed instead to be an endlessly discrete accumulation of moments that could go anywhere at every transient and directionless moment in time.
Abstract: The atom bomb that annihilated Hiroshima, Japan, on August 6, 1945, proved Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity. Mass became energy and the classic Western dialectic of three-dimensional space and linear time was displaced by the integrated concept of spacetime. On that day, modern physics also collided with the traditional Japanese understanding...
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