Abstract: This paper shows a new efficient data delivery method based on three dimensional discrete Multiwavelet transformations Critically Sampled (3D-DMWTCS). This method was been done by get the data from any data source then catted the stream data to a packets of A certain length then each of these packet will convert to a square matrix, and then collected these square matrices in three dimensional matrix form. The 3D - discrete Multiwavelet transforms Critically Sampled (3D-DMWTCS) will be applied to each three dimensional matrix form and the output of this procedure will be also in three dimensional matrix forms and contain 3D-DMWTCS coefficient as real numbers. After this stage, the 3D matrix will be converting to square matrix and then to serial data stream of samples, then will be sending through USB port to SIM908 GSM GPRS module that must secure a connection between two or more communication points. As well as this encryption method can be done using three dimensional discrete wavelet transformations (3D-DWT) and (2D-DMWTCS) and (2D-DWT). The purposed of these methods is to maintain the confidentiality of the information sent, whether it is written texts, or data, or talk speech, and it is done with a high data rate and excellent coding. It is impossible or difficult to decrypt these methods without knowing how these encryption systems are build. The decryption is done by extracting the encrypted data from the Multiwavelet decomposition vector using the algorithm of inverse of 3D-Discrete Multiwavelet Transformation. The encrypted messages that send to other points consists 3D-DMWTCS decomposition vector. The encryption key that used in this method is 3D-DMWTCS method so the decryption key will be 3D-IDMWTCS. Due to the GSM GPRS mobile communications systems mostly use OFDM technology, therefore these technology has been used in the designed of wireless communication transceivers system using MATLAB2014a to simulate GSM GPRS under multichannel types and run the simulations to determine the specifications of these cryptographic systems under various conditions. The simulation results proved that these methods are retrieving the security and improve the performance of the communications system.Abstract: This paper shows a new efficient data delivery method based on three dimensional discrete Multiwavelet transformations Critically Sampled (3D-DMWTCS). This method was been done by get the data from any data source then catted the stream data to a packets of A certain length then each of these packet will convert to a square matrix, and then collect...Show More