Abstract: The question on the relationship of long-period comets (LPCs) with trans-Neptunian objects (ТNОs) having the diameter more than 200 km is investigated. We analyze the distribution values of minimum orbit intersection distances (МОID) for 91 TNOs and 495 long-period comets (LPCs) with known initial orbits. The parameter t – distribution characterizing the level of redundancy МОID for each selected planetary body is prefaced. In the case when МОIDs values are less than 1 AU, 14 values of t have significance, greater than 0.95, and for the case MOIDs less than 0.5 AU, 6 values of t have significance, more than 0.95, and the ratio of t makes 56:35 and 50:41, accordingly. A reliable correlation no matter it is weak, between values t and I (inclination) is found out. The obtained these results indicate the assumption of possible relation of long-period comets with TNOs.Abstract: The question on the relationship of long-period comets (LPCs) with trans-Neptunian objects (ТNОs) having the diameter more than 200 km is investigated. We analyze the distribution values of minimum orbit intersection distances (МОID) for 91 TNOs and 495 long-period comets (LPCs) with known initial orbits. The parameter t – distribution characterizi...Show More
Abstract: Mahto et al. have derived the formula for the variation of the gravitational constant given by G^'=G/√(1-v^2/c^2 ) in very strong gravitational field of the compact bodies like super massive black holes and neutron stars (2013). In this paper, we have extended this work to show that the variation of gravitational constant in the strong gravitational field with respect to the spinning velocity of super dense stars is directly proportional to its spinning velocity.Abstract: Mahto et al. have derived the formula for the variation of the gravitational constant given by G^'=G/√(1-v^2/c^2 ) in very strong gravitational field of the compact bodies like super massive black holes and neutron stars (2013). In this paper, we have extended this work to show that the variation of gravitational constant in the strong gravitationa...Show More