Maxwell’s Equations and Propagation of Light: Not Relative
Volume 3, Issue 6, December 2015
18 November 2015
29 November 2015
18 December 2015
Abstract: A long lasting worldwide view that the time is relative and is a function of the space (the space-time) was originated from the special relativity and the Lorentz-Einstein transformation, and gave birth to the general relativity. The basic premise of the special relativity is that the Maxwell’s equations are relative, and could be applied relative to an inertial frame; this basic premise is incorrect. The Lorentz-Einstein transform that gave rise to the concept of space-time is not unique. The relative time on an inertial frame derived from the Lorentz-Einstein transform is directional. A General Class of Transforms consisting of infinitely many transforms, where the Lorentz-Einstein Transform is a member, is used to show that the Maxwell’s equations do not hold relative to an inertial frame, or not relative. All the infinitely many transforms in the General Class provide a unique set of relative fields that satisfy the Maxwell’s equations. However, the presence of infinitely many Transforms leads to an infinitely many distinct relative times, and infinitely many space-time functions for an inertial frame. If the Maxwell’s equations are relative, the relative Maxwell’s equations also create Shear Electro-Magnetic (SEM) waves, which have a speed that depends on the speed of the inertial frame, and have much higher speed than the Transversal Electro-Magnetic (TEM) waves. The inability of providing a unique, non-directional relative time, as well as the inability of maintaining a unique speed of the light that is independent of the frame of reference, prevents the applicability or the validity of the Maxwell’s equations relatively on an inertial frame. The light or electromagnetic waves do not travel relative to moving bodies. The Maxwell’s wave equations are absolute, not relative. The time is absolute, not relative. A second is a second, irrespective of the speed of the moving body, everywhere in the universe. The path of light is absolute, not relative. They are independent of the frame of reference. The time does not depend on the space. There is the space, then, there is the time; there is no space-time. To an observer on a moving frame the speed of light is a constant, in conformity with Michelson and Morley experiment, solely due to the fact that a moving body contracts in all directions while the time remains absolute.
Abstract: A long lasting worldwide view that the time is relative and is a function of the space (the space-time) was originated from the special relativity and the Lorentz-Einstein transformation, and gave birth to the general relativity. The basic premise of the special relativity is that the Maxwell’s equations are relative, and could be applied relative ...
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