Abstract: As many physical changes and conversions are done by exponential mathematical forms during the time that concerns us, the problem rises when the phenomenon has finished, the conversion is completed and the saturation has come upon the changed quantity. Thus, after the saturation is obtained, time becomes unable to provide us with further information and data. The difficulty becomes substantial when those exponential chronicle changes are used on the chronologies and dating of materials which are under scrutiny. Especially when the duration of time is not extended, the results are limited. Those exponential conversions appear in Plasma Physics in the growth or the damping of the plasma waves, as well. With the present theoretical work a non constant coefficient of the conversion is suggested, whose result is the extension of the conversion time. Also, it is proved that the under-duplication time becomes much more extended than it was with the constant conversion coefficient. Furthermore, it is proved that the under-duplication time continually increases as the under-duplications are multiplied. It should be considered that the initial formulation of the basic physical laws (Coulomb law, Biot-Savart law, law of Universal Gravitation, e.t.c) has been done with the first order approach, taking the ratio coefficients as constants. The present study is an extension of the formulation of the well-known laws with the second order approach.Abstract: As many physical changes and conversions are done by exponential mathematical forms during the time that concerns us, the problem rises when the phenomenon has finished, the conversion is completed and the saturation has come upon the changed quantity. Thus, after the saturation is obtained, time becomes unable to provide us with further informatio...Show More
Abstract: The viscosity evaluation in Plasma is extremely useful in the clinical evaluation of different diseases. A procedure is presented, based on Protonic Magnetic Resonance, for the evaluation of the dynamic viscosity in Blood Plasma and in hemoglobin solution from the determination of the transverse relaxation time (T2). To experimentally determine the T2 value, the impulse series Carr-Purcell-Meiboon-Gill was used in a MARAN DRX console (OXFORD INSTRUMENTS) and a homogeneous magnetic system (B0 = 0.095T). Values were obtained for the viscosity of the blood plasma and hemoglobin of 1.68 ± 0.12 mPas and 12.78 ± 3.55 mPas respectively, which agreed with the determined, in the same samples, using an Ostwald viscometer (1, 45 ± 0.06 mPas for the plasma and 12.82 ± 3.35 mPas for the dissolution of hemoglobin). The dynamic viscosity of the blood plasma was determined in 236 patients with Multiple Myeloma (2.19 ± 0.58 mPas), 142 with Drepanocytic Anemia (2.20 ± 0.79 mPas) showing statistically significant increases with respect to the characteristic values of the controls (1.68 ± 0.12mPas). Magnetic Relaxation is an option to evaluate plasma viscosity because it minimizes the volume of sample needed and eliminates the need to wash the viscometer between determinations. Magnetic Relaxation can compensate its relative high cost, compared with other Viscosimetry methods, facilitating other determinations of utility in several diseases.Abstract: The viscosity evaluation in Plasma is extremely useful in the clinical evaluation of different diseases. A procedure is presented, based on Protonic Magnetic Resonance, for the evaluation of the dynamic viscosity in Blood Plasma and in hemoglobin solution from the determination of the transverse relaxation time (T2). To experimentally determine the...Show More