Abstract: Modern Arabic fiction has been known to skillfully depict women with contemporary meanings, frequently drawing on various contexts, including the Sūfī tradition. Women are portrayed as an all-encompassing symbol, playing a pivotal role in helping the protagonist achieve great ambitions and transform the world around them. This portrayal of women in Arabic literature draws inspiration from medieval Sūfī writers who assigned glamorous names to female characters, making them the central focus of their writings. Women were considered earthly mistresses in Sūfī practices, helping Sūfī practitioners reach their ultimate goal, God. This Sūfī tradition has had a profound impact on modern-day Middle Eastern writers such as Elif Shafak and Mohammed Alwan. They have utilized Sūfī practices in their novels, gaining new insights into the dynamic potential of the motif and a new critical approach. In Elif Shafak's novels, women are depicted as Sūfī figures with a transformative power that can change individuals and societies. In contrast, Mohammed Alwan portrays women in a more mystical light, embodying the divine and uniting the physical and spiritual. Both writers draw from Sūfī practices to create female characters who challenge traditional gender roles and promote a more inclusive and spiritual understanding of womanhood. By employing Sūfī practices, these writers provide a fresh perspective on the representation of women in modern Arabic literature. They highlight the empowering nature of Sūfī practices, where women are elevated to a central role, challenging patriarchal norms and providing a pathway for female empowerment.
Abstract: Modern Arabic fiction has been known to skillfully depict women with contemporary meanings, frequently drawing on various contexts, including the Sūfī tradition. Women are portrayed as an all-encompassing symbol, playing a pivotal role in helping the protagonist achieve great ambitions and transform the world around them. This portrayal of women in...Show More
Abstract: The research is aimed to describe the phenomenon of conflicting linguistic evidence in the interpretation of directing linguistic issues and provide an explanation for the reasons for their existence in linguistic studies. The research has followed the descriptive analytical approach by looking at the books of linguists and how they employ the guides, and the description of the weighting mechanism between the conflicting evidence, and the analysis of those manifestations, to try to explain this phenomenon and reveal the factors affecting it this paper has come to several conclusions, the most important of which is that the conflict between linguistic evidence is the outcome of the difference in the exploration of the two dimensions of the original and classification of linguistic evidence. The linguistic evidence in which the conflict occurs can be limited to three sections, namely: evidence of linguistic origins, exploration of linguistic guidance, and evidence of linguistic provisions, and that any evidence is used as a restriction to adjust the provisions in matters. The research also found that the most prominent reasons for the existence of the phenomenon of conflicting linguistic evidence revolve around several factors, the most important of which are: The difference between theory and practice considering the incomplete induction on which the rules are based, the difference between dialects and its impact on employing conflicting linguistic evidence to explain these differences, in addition to the multiplicity of Quranic readings and their impact on employing conflicting linguistic evidence to explain these differences. In addition, linguistic dictionaries contributed to the emergence of contradictory evidence by combining the statements of different linguists in the same issue.
Abstract: The research is aimed to describe the phenomenon of conflicting linguistic evidence in the interpretation of directing linguistic issues and provide an explanation for the reasons for their existence in linguistic studies. The research has followed the descriptive analytical approach by looking at the books of linguists and how they employ the guid...Show More