Variations in Forest Carbon Stocks Along Environmental Gradients in Egdu Forest of Oromia Region, Ethiopia: Implications for Sustainable Forest Management
Adugna Feyissa Gubena,
Teshome Soromessa
Volume 6, Issue 1-1, February 2017
5 June 2015
7 June 2015
18 October 2016
Abstract: Forests play a significant role in climate change mitigation by sequestering and storing more carbon from the atmosphere than any other terrestrial ecosystem. Although a number of studies have been done on carbon stock estimations, the influence of environmental factors on forest carbon stocks has not been properly addressed. This study was conducted to estimate the carbon stock and its variation along the altitudinal gradients in Egdu dry afromontane forest found in Oromia Regional State of Ethiopia. The carbon stock in the different carbon pools and analysis of the influence of the environmental variables were studied by collecting data in sixty-nine quadrat plots of 10 x 20 m distributed along transect lines. To estimate carbon in above and below ground biomass; each tree in the study site having diameter at breast height (DBH) of ≥ 5 cm were measured for DBH and height. Above ground biomass was estimated by using allometric model while below ground biomass was determined based on the ratio of below ground biomass to above ground biomass factors. The mean total carbon stock density of Egdu Forest was found to be 614.72 ± 35.79 t ha-1 (ranging from 182.6 to1416 t ha-1), of which 45.24% of carbon was contained in the above ground biomass, 9.05% in below ground biomass, 0.56% in litter carbon and 45.15% was stored in soil organic carbon (0-30 cm depth). The carbon stocks in above ground biomass, below ground biomass, litter biomass and soil organic carbon exhibited distinct patterns along environmental gradients (slope gradient and slope aspect). The analysis of carbon stock variation of different carbon pools on eight different aspects of the forest area showed a significant variation with exception of soil organic carbon stock. The amount of carbon stock in above and below ground biomass, soil organic carbon and the total carbon stock was higher on the northern aspect as compared to other aspects. On the other hand, the carbon density of the forest carbon pool components showed a negative correlation with slope gradient; with increasing % slope, the above and below ground carbon, soil organic carbon and the total carbon stock decreased. This study concluded that the carbon stock value of Egdu Forest is large, and the carbon storage in different carbon pools of the forest area varies with slope aspect and slope aspect.
Abstract: Forests play a significant role in climate change mitigation by sequestering and storing more carbon from the atmosphere than any other terrestrial ecosystem. Although a number of studies have been done on carbon stock estimations, the influence of environmental factors on forest carbon stocks has not been properly addressed. This study was conduct...
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Quantitative Analysis of Ngoma Forest in Kafue National Park, Zambia
Volume 6, Issue 1-1, February 2017
15 December 2016
23 December 2016
20 January 2017
Abstract: Ngoma Forest is one of the eleven major vegetation types in Kafue National Park. Between 1997 and 2002, a study was undertaken to quantify the vegetation and landscape of Ngoma Forest. The key vegetation measurement variables taken from fourteen 20m X 20m sampling plots were: height, diameter at breast height (DBH) and crown size. In addition to vegetation measurements, data on terrain, soil, water and fire occurrence were recorded from each sampling plot. Observations regarding the presence of faunal species were done based on actual sightings and signs such as droppings, nests, foot prints, debarking of trees, feathers, hairs and sounds. Results of the study indicates that Ngoma Forest terrain is almost flat to very flat with generally straight slope of 0 to 3% and altitude ranging from 1,050m to 1,120m above sea level. The Forest occurs on strong acidic and well-drained sandy-clay and sandy-loam with pH range of 4.4 to 5.3. Baphia massaiensis, Friesodielsia obovata, Baikiaea plurijuga, Pterocarpus lucens, Combretum celastroides C. mossambicense, and C. elaeagnoides contribute more than 80% to the physical structure. The tree layer consists of tall trees in the height range of 18 to 22m and is dominated by Baikiaea plurijuga and Pterocarpus lucens with isolated stands of Entandrophragma caudatum, Ficus sur, Burkea africana and Erythrophleum africanum. The second layer consists of trees above 6m but less than 18m and is characterized by Philenoptera violacea, Pterocarpus rotundifolius, Xeroderis stuhlmannii, Dalbergiella nyasae, Strychnos potatorum and S. pungens. The third layer consist of small trees and shrubs rarely reaching the height of 6m and is characterized by Croton megalobotrys, Friesodielsia obovata, Combretum elaeagnoides, C. mossambicense, C. celastroides, Duranta erecta, Citropsis daweana, Grewia flavescens, Dalbergia martinii, Pteleopsis anisoptera and P. myrtifolia. The species diversity of Ngoma Forest is relatively low but comparatively higher than Mopane, Combretacea and Acacia woodlands. The tree / shrub density calculations indicated 1,475 stems per hectare while the mean biomass calculations were 122.6 tons per hectare and 1.5 tons per hectare for trees and shrubs respectively. The extent of Ngoma Forest in 1985 was 34km2 but the Forest had shrunk to about 18km2 by 2002. The Forest is likely to shrink further while the scrubland around the Forest is going to expand. This habitat shift is bound to adversely affect the habitat range of a number of ungulates, carnivores, primates, rodents and birds. Some management interventions have been suggested in order to protect this unique habitat.
Abstract: Ngoma Forest is one of the eleven major vegetation types in Kafue National Park. Between 1997 and 2002, a study was undertaken to quantify the vegetation and landscape of Ngoma Forest. The key vegetation measurement variables taken from fourteen 20m X 20m sampling plots were: height, diameter at breast height (DBH) and crown size. In addition to ve...
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