Accelerator Beam Centerlines (ABCTM) and High Energy Sources (HES) Produced at Varex Imaging Corporation
Andrey Valentinovich Mishin*
Volume 14, Issue 1, February 2025
12 December 2024
22 December 2024
7 January 2025
Abstract: Salt Lake City (Utah) based Varex Imaging Corporation (VREX, NASDAQ), the former imaging components division of Varian Medical Systems, Inc. was spun-off into an independent public company in January 2017. Since the spin-off, Varex has designed, produced, and tested several Accelerator Beam Centerline (ABC) prototypes to meet or exceed the parameters of those previously developed, and some Varex ABC models have been released to production. The primary objective set by Varex was to independently develop Varex’s own linear accelerator (Linac) technology that would be a step ahead of current technologies and form the basis of future high energy applications roadmap for Varex; namely, build 3 MeV, 6 MeV, and 9 MeV basic models, in the first place, and eventually, develop advanced products to strengthen Varex’s leadership in the field. The fundamental objective has been accomplished and our pilot ABC production line produced 20, 65, and finally, more than twice that much, exceeding 100 units, in consecutive fiscal years of 2022, 2023, and 2024, correspondingly. Our LINAC high-power testing was performed only at our Las Vegas facility, but recently, a test cell at our production facility in Salt Lake City was built in May 2024. A LINAC utilizing 6 MeV ABC represents bulk of Varex units shipped in 2024, the LINAC has been fully tested and released to production in a Diode Electron Gun (DEG) and a Triode Electron Gun (TEG) based versions. A LINAC system Mi6SSM-T is designed based on Mi6SSM product, utilizing TEG and TEG High Voltage (HV) Driver (TEGD). Over 100 new LINAC Systems based on our new ABCs have been shipped to Varex customers. The TEGD is composed in a 19” Mi6SSM rack-mounted assembly, but it can be installed in the LINAC X-ray or Electron Beam Head for designs based on the “legacy” LINATRON® models. In addition, we are developing new linac models. We have designed and tested MicroBeam LINATRONTM with ABC-6-S-M-X-T-SUBMM, delivering less than 500 μm spot size (estimated 350±150 μm) and only 12.5% maximum dose rate reduction (700 R/min@1m), compared to a standard ABC-6-S-M-X-T (800 R/min@1m). We have bench-tested a new upgraded M9V accelerator, operating at 9 MeV and delivering substantially higher dose rate (maximum over 5000 R/min@1m) of another contemporary M9 (rated at 3000 R/min@1m). Our new K15V, or V15 (under development) is designed to operate at our common frequency 2998 MHz, and it utilizes a patented hybrid standing and traveling wave design. The first 9 MeV section can be a separate machine (V9), that will deliver very high dose rates, while drastically reducing the produced neutron yields, compared to K-15.
Abstract: Salt Lake City (Utah) based Varex Imaging Corporation (VREX, NASDAQ), the former imaging components division of Varian Medical Systems, Inc. was spun-off into an independent public company in January 2017. Since the spin-off, Varex has designed, produced, and tested several Accelerator Beam Centerline (ABC) prototypes to meet or exceed the paramete...
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Research Article
Quantum Theory of Uncertainty Principle or Indeterminacy Principle
S. K. Srivastava*
Volume 14, Issue 1, February 2025
17 December 2024
6 January 2025
10 February 2025
Abstract: The differential and integral forms of Indeterminacy principle or Heisenberg Uncertainty principle have been described in this paper. The uncertainty in the measurement of ∆E is not only due to the measurement of ∆t and h but is also due to quantization factor Q. We have discussed Order-Disorder Transformation, Differential and Integral forms of Indeterminacy principle (Quantum Theory of Uncertainty principle), Quantum Representation and Action Quantization Process in details. We have used the Order- Disorder concept and established that the Heisenberg Uncertainty principle may be evaluated from Order- Disorder Transformation, i.e., Heisenberg Uncertainty principle is the special case of Order- Disorder Transformation. It may be pointed out that our modification of Uncertainty relation is consistent with the results in the range of variables where the modified relationship is valid.
Abstract: The differential and integral forms of Indeterminacy principle or Heisenberg Uncertainty principle have been described in this paper. The uncertainty in the measurement of ∆E is not only due to the measurement of ∆t and h but is also due to quantization factor Q. We have discussed Order-Disorder Transformation, Differential and Integral forms of In...
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Research Article
Gravitational Waves and Gravitational Lensing According to Particle Based Gravity
Willem Hulscher*
Volume 14, Issue 1, February 2025
23 January 2025
7 February 2025
20 February 2025
Abstract: This paper builds on the discovery that the Newtonian constant G is not a universal constant of nature, but rather increases in the vicinity of a mass. As measured at the Earth surface the variation is very small and applies over a limited distance, though in galactic systems the variation of G can be large and can apply over long distances. The variability of G is generally obscured by incorrect spectral shift measurements of the rotation speed of stars around the center of gravity. For the case of the Milky Way this was clearly shown by data based on the third Gaia satellite data release. Correction of the measurements by gravitational spectrum shift has led to a new interpretation of galactic rotation curves without the need to introduce dark matter in the galactic system. The reason why G can and does vary is studied in the current paper. A possible mechanism is provided by a modified particle based theory of gravity, which is compatible with the general theory of gravity. By applying geometry to the paths of the particles it is analyzed whether this theory can explain the increase of G in the vicinity of a mass. In the same way it is studied whether this theory can accommodate the detection of gravitational waves and the principle of gravitational lensing. The analyses make use of the basic features of particle based gravity only, and do not need any ad-hoc assumptions.
Abstract: This paper builds on the discovery that the Newtonian constant G is not a universal constant of nature, but rather increases in the vicinity of a mass. As measured at the Earth surface the variation is very small and applies over a limited distance, though in galactic systems the variation of G can be large and can apply over long distances. The va...
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Research Article
Water: The Essential Component of Our Inner Solar System
Fred John Cadieu*
Volume 14, Issue 1, February 2025
3 January 2025
10 February 2025
24 February 2025
Abstract: If our solar system started with the terrestrial planets initially covered with water, then a reasonable progression of events result in the presently observed inner solar system. Two principal assumptions have been made. One is that molten rock and the iron rich cores of the terrestrial planets can dissolve appreciable quantities of water. The other is that our solar system was formed initially from cold gas and dust which contained due to condensation large quantities of water. Water then became trapped in the cores and molten rock of the forming terrestrial planets. This in essence implies that our star formed as a lone star since if more than one star was involved it is unlikely that the gas and dust could be cold as to condense large quantities of water. Phase transitions involving water and carbon dioxide play a crucial role in the transition from this initial water covered state to what is observed today. Of the four terrestrial planets of our solar system Earth is the only one that developed mechanisms that allowed liquid water to be retained. Thus, Earth is the only terrestrial planet in our solar system that has the possibility for billion-year stability to allow evolution to work over a sufficiently long time for the evolution of intelligent life. The principal reasons for this are the presence of a magnetic field and plate tectonics that allow long term planet surface stability. The progression from an earlier state to what we see today was largely completed about 2 billion years ago so long term evolutionary development where possible should have proceeded. Mars is believed to have had surface water in this early stage but lost that as did Mercury and Venus. Volume changes upon the phase changes of water and carbon dioxide play a crucial role in driving the geology of Mars. The sublimation of carbon dioxide from solid to gas phase must play a crucial role in creating caverns and crevices below the surface if lifeforms are to exist on Mars. Simple lifeforms are then expected to exist below the surface of Mars. Recent seismic measurements indicate that both Earth and Mars possess large reservoirs of water well below the surfaces of each planet.
Abstract: If our solar system started with the terrestrial planets initially covered with water, then a reasonable progression of events result in the presently observed inner solar system. Two principal assumptions have been made. One is that molten rock and the iron rich cores of the terrestrial planets can dissolve appreciable quantities of water. The oth...
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