American Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering

Volume 1, Issue 5, October 2013

  • Mendelian Segregation in an Interspecific Hybrid Population of Tetraploid X Diploid Coffea Species-Part 1

    Anil Kumar, Subbugan Ganesh

    Issue: Volume 1, Issue 5, October 2013
    Pages: 55-61
    Received: 25 July 2013
    Published: 20 September 2013
    Abstract: Mating of two parental varieties always leads to the production of genotypic admixture of both the parental traits in F1 and on selfing the progeny exhibits the phenotypic segregation in a definite proportion in F2. Mendel described it as “Law of Independent Assortment”. It is general belief that coffee varieties do not follow the Mendel’s ratios o... Show More
  • Computational Prediction of miRNA in Gmelina Arborea and their Role in Human Metabolomics

    Alka Dubey, Swinderjeet Singh Kalra, Nandita Trivedi

    Issue: Volume 1, Issue 5, October 2013
    Pages: 62-74
    Received: 26 August 2013
    Published: 30 September 2013
    Abstract: Micro RNA are the noncoding class of RNA which plays major role post transcriptional regulation of genes and 19-22 nt in length and endogenous in nature .In this study miRNA Gmelina arborea are predicted along with possible target genes , A total of 44 ESTs are taken from dbEST database and proceed and trimmed through EGassembler. This contig sequ... Show More