Humanities and Social Sciences

Volume 3, Issue 5, September 2015

  • Residential Environment and Types of Childhood

    Baldo Blinkert, Ellen Weaver

    Issue: Volume 3, Issue 5, September 2015
    Pages: 159-168
    Received: 2 July 2015
    Accepted: 9 July 2015
    Published: 25 July 2015
    Abstract: Children who are not enabled to play freely may suffer limitations in their physical, social and cognitive development. There is a danger that widespread play deprivation may lead to future generations of adults lacking essential social and personal skills. Recent German research identifies opportunities for children aged between 5 and 9 to begin e... Show More
  • Soul & Body: The Developments of the Ideology of Resurrection in Ancient Israel

    Jock Matthew Agai

    Issue: Volume 3, Issue 5, September 2015
    Pages: 169-176
    Received: 22 July 2015
    Accepted: 3 August 2015
    Published: 21 August 2015
    Abstract: The Jews who returned from the exile, Later Jews who lived after the exile and the Early Church who have gone through intense persecutions elevated the doctrine of the resurrection of the dead as if it was the most important of all biblical doctrines. This notion has made some scholars to think that the idea of resurrection emanated from the exilic... Show More
  • Envisioning Gender Justice in Our Hearts and Minds: A Promising Tool for Change

    Alemnew Gebeyehu Dessie

    Issue: Volume 3, Issue 5, September 2015
    Pages: 177-184
    Received: 13 August 2015
    Accepted: 26 August 2015
    Published: 3 September 2015
    Abstract: In the quest for making legal sense of human rights to equality for all and bringing sustainable change in the lives of human kind, bringing justice to the lime light of our hearts and minds is mandatory. In marching to growth and development, foremost, everyone must accept that human beings are created equal and lives should be treated undifferent... Show More
  • Decentralizing Rural Development Practice in Nigeria: The Challenges and Opportunities

    Nseabasi S. Akpan

    Issue: Volume 3, Issue 5, September 2015
    Pages: 185-192
    Received: 21 August 2015
    Accepted: 2 September 2015
    Published: 12 September 2015
    Abstract: The decentralization of economic and political powers has been an important tool for developing the rural and remote areas across the world. But how does decentralization work in some contexts and what are the challenges and opportunities? This paper discusses these issues in relation to Nigeria’s rural development experiences and practices. Variou... Show More
  • Influence of Community Participation on Community Ownership of Donor Funded Projects: A Case of Saidia, Samburu County, Kenya

    Lelegwe Ltumbesi Steve

    Issue: Volume 3, Issue 5, September 2015
    Pages: 193-200
    Received: 30 August 2015
    Accepted: 16 September 2015
    Published: 26 September 2015
    Abstract: This study was conducted to establish the influence of community participation of community ownership of donor funded projects. The respondents in the study were the randomly chosen trained beneficiaries of Health, ECD and WASH projects of SAIDIA in the Samburu County. A survey and observation methodology was used to collect the research data. Usin... Show More
  • Investigating the Structural Gap in Igbo Dance Theatre through the Primary, Performative and Quoting Repertoire Theories

    Christian Ikechukwu Nwaru

    Issue: Volume 3, Issue 5, September 2015
    Pages: 201-206
    Received: 8 September 2015
    Accepted: 25 September 2015
    Published: 10 October 2015
    Abstract: This work represents an on-going Ph.D. investigation of Igbo dance theatre in eastern Nigeria. Existing research on Igbo dance theatre reveals that different authors wrote about the forms of Igbo dance theatre and called them ‘Igbo dance theatre’. Furthermore, some scholars have also shown and commented on dance forms such as Okunmkpo, Odo and Ekpe... Show More
  • Challenges of Female Journalists in Bangladesh

    Md Nurus Safa, Tahera Akter

    Issue: Volume 3, Issue 5, September 2015
    Pages: 207-214
    Received: 22 September 2015
    Accepted: 7 October 2015
    Published: 20 October 2015
    Abstract: Journalism is a challenging profession in Bangladesh where female were less encouraged to be a journalist. In recent time Bangladesh is encouraging her women to work outside of home. A significant number of women are involved in journalism. They are contributing to the society for economic prosperity and changing the attitude towards the developmen... Show More
  • Tiv Traditional Religion and Its Contribution to the Trado-Educational and Technological Development of the Tiv Society

    Tim Cuttings Agber, T. Terver Udu, Godwin Aôndohemba Fiase, Terkimbi Titus Aniho

    Issue: Volume 3, Issue 5, September 2015
    Pages: 215-224
    Received: 29 September 2015
    Accepted: 16 October 2015
    Published: 3 November 2015
    Abstract: The European Missionaries failed to understand the important virtues of the Tiv traditional religion and technology and condemned the Tiv religion. The use of Western technology and tools destroyed the technical proficiency of the Tiv people, moral teachings and disciplines coming from the blacksmithing workshop was no longer there and this has acc... Show More
  • To Promote the Development of the Red River Basin: Background, Conditions and Countermeasures

    Feng Li, Junyi Chen

    Issue: Volume 3, Issue 5, September 2015
    Pages: 225-229
    Received: 12 November 2015
    Published: 12 November 2015
    Abstract: In the framework of Chinese ASEAN Free Trade Area, pan area of Honghe River Basin is this framework complements and expands. The Red River mainly flows through the Vietnam Laos, especially between China and vietnam. In international, regional development under the new situation, "the important concept of Pan Red River". Regional overall political a... Show More
  • Cultural Imperatives of Prosocial Behaviour: A Redefinition of Volunteerism in Nigeria

    Chiedozie Okechukwu Okafor

    Issue: Volume 3, Issue 5, September 2015
    Pages: 230-233
    Received: 19 August 2015
    Accepted: 30 October 2015
    Published: 17 November 2015
    Abstract: Volunteerism has been widely defined as a long-term, planned pro-social behavior that benefits strangers, and which occur within an organizational setting (e.g, Penner, 2002). This definition seems to divorce volunteering from by-stander intervention in an emergency situation, which does involve helping strangers. The present paper contends that th... Show More
  • The Evaluation of the Social Network’s Nodes Influence Based on Users’ Behavior

    Fudong Wang, Pei Wang, Sunzeng Yao

    Issue: Volume 3, Issue 5, September 2015
    Pages: 234-239
    Received: 18 November 2015
    Published: 18 November 2015
    Abstract: How to effectively identifying opinion leaders has become a hot research point. It’s essence is to identify the nodes with the strong influence in social network. This paper analyzes the behaviors of users in social networks and proposes the impact evaluation algorithm based on multi-angle user behaviors which is User-Activity Rank algorithm. The a... Show More
  • Adaptation in Foreign Policy of Singapore Towards ASEAN

    Anna Grzywacz

    Issue: Volume 3, Issue 5, September 2015
    Pages: 240-248
    Received: 26 November 2015
    Published: 26 November 2015
    Abstract: Singapore is one of the most important countries in Asia-Pacific region and one of the most powerful in Southeast Asia. Singapore serves as leader in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). The analysis uses the political adaptation theoretical framework to analyze Singaporean activity. The paper attempts to answer the question what is ... Show More
  • The Cointegrating Relationship of Regional Growth in China

    Chun-Hung A. Lin, Chia-Ming Li

    Issue: Volume 3, Issue 5, September 2015
    Pages: 249-255
    Received: 26 November 2015
    Published: 26 November 2015
    Abstract: Since the open door policy declared in the late 1970s, the economic growth of China has been rapidly developed and accumulated. However, the widening regional economic development disparity has been brought to the concern by the government. It is doubtful that the regional economic growth would tend to be equivalent by spillover effects from some m... Show More
  • The Spatial Econometric Analysis of Economic Convergence Trend in the Western Region of China--An Empirical Study on the 67 Cities in the "One Belt and One Road" Area

    Diwen Jiang

    Issue: Volume 3, Issue 5, September 2015
    Pages: 256-260
    Received: 26 November 2015
    Published: 26 November 2015
    Abstract: The "One Belt and one Road" development strategy is put forward for the development of the western region of China. This paper uses the spatial economic model to do some empirical research on the economic convergence trends in western regions of China. Our results shows that the regional economic growth has a strong space correlation; After conside... Show More
  • Ethical Reflection Laden by Scientific Value

    Xiang Xiaojun

    Issue: Volume 3, Issue 5, September 2015
    Pages: 261-265
    Received: 1 December 2015
    Published: 1 December 2015
    Abstract: This article from the dialectical relationship between the freedom of scientific research and the constraint of ethic and moral, the two basic ethical principles of the scientific activities, reflected ethically on the load of science value, considered that the scientists should bear ethical and moral responsibility to a degree, and called for stre... Show More
  • Chinese Agricultural Population Income in Economic Restructuring

    Shifen Wang, Zelin Dai

    Issue: Volume 3, Issue 5, September 2015
    Pages: 266-270
    Received: 1 December 2015
    Published: 1 December 2015
    Abstract: With the continuous economic transforming, income and employment of the population of China’s agricultural population has also undergone a significant change. Secondly, Population changes in agricultural income sources and employment of rural labor in different industries that reflects changes in the distribution of economic activities of farmers. ... Show More
  • Digital Caring: New Digital Divide and Response -- Observing Taiwan Distance Learning Companions Are the Basics of Social Stratification Perspective

    Hong-Yen Lin, Hu Ke

    Issue: Volume 3, Issue 5, September 2015
    Pages: 271-275
    Received: 30 November 2015
    Published: 1 December 2015
    Abstract: There is a “digital divide” which is a gap in the information technology usage in different regions and between different groups and individuals. With the rapid development of information technology, digital divide gradually spread not only from the usage and access of information technology but also to the information knowledge and the new changes... Show More
  • People’s Attitudes to Healthy Exercise Diet, a Market Investigation

    Kaijun Zhang, Wenyao Fan

    Issue: Volume 3, Issue 5, September 2015
    Pages: 276-279
    Received: 2 December 2015
    Published: 3 December 2015
    Abstract: To investigate the market conditions of different individuals’ demands toward exercise meal, we use the questionnaires, including online questionnaires and real questionnaires .The content consist of respondents’ basic informations and their views of exercise diet. In the survey, objects (20-55 years old, average 28±0.7years old) include individual... Show More
  • Analysis of the Risk Factors on Chinese Korean Migration

    Zhang Jingyue, Yang Xue

    Issue: Volume 3, Issue 5, September 2015
    Pages: 280-285
    Received: 2 December 2015
    Published: 3 December 2015
    Abstract: Since the fifth population census, the number of Chinese Korean population has declined for more than 10 years.And the number of Chinese Korean at their main settelments in northeast of China has declined for more than 20 years.The main reason for the phenomenon of Chinese Korean population`s negative growth is migration.Domestic migration leads to... Show More