Advances in Biochemistry

Volume 1, Issue 2, June 2013

  • Comparison of the Effects of Cold on Cytochromes Р450 1А in the Rat Lungs Versus Liver

    Maria L. Perepechaeva, Alevtina Yu. Grishanova

    Issue: Volume 1, Issue 2, June 2013
    Pages: 7-12
    Received: 7 May 2013
    Published: 10 June 2013
    Abstract: During hypothermia, most cellular processes are inhibited, including expression of numerous genes. A small number of special genes are activated, which code for proteins participating in cold acclimation of the cell. We previously uncovered a paradoxical phenomenon: cytochrome P450 subfamily enzymes (CYP1A) in rat liver are not inhibited but activa... Show More
  • Optimization, Characterization and In Vitro Evaluation of Entomopathogenic Fungal Exopolysaccharides as Prebiotic

    Wai Prathumpai, Pranee Rachathewee, Sutamat Khajeeram, Jean-Jacques Sanglier, Pariyada Tanjak, Pawadee Methacanon

    Issue: Volume 1, Issue 2, June 2013
    Pages: 13-21
    Received: 5 March 2013
    Published: 20 June 2013
    Abstract: Optimization of exopolysaccharides (EPS) produced by three strains of entomopathogenic fungi (Beauveria bassiana BCC 2692, Ophiocordyceps dipterigena BCC 2073, and Paecilomyces tenuipes BCC 2656) was carried out together with analyses of their prebiotic properties. B. bassiana BCC 2692 produced 6.27±0.22 g/L EPS on optimal medium using two-level fr... Show More
  • The Possible Role of GPI-Ceruloplasmin in Hypoxia De Novo Creation and Maintenance

    Roberto Arrigoni

    Issue: Volume 1, Issue 2, June 2013
    Pages: 22-27
    Received: 30 May 2013
    Published: 30 June 2013
    Abstract: Ceruloplasmin is a member of the multicopper oxidases family (MCOs), multidomain proteins capable of oxidizing many structurally unrelated compounds reducing oxygen to water. While MCOs show great oxidative versatility, they can only transfer electrons to molecular oxygen, which is the obligate electron acceptor. Therefore, MCOs should also be cons... Show More
  • Effect of Solanum Macrocarpon Fruit on Haematology, Hepatic and Renal Function

    Duru Majesty, Ugbogu Amadike, Amadi Benjamin

    Issue: Volume 1, Issue 2, June 2013
    Pages: 28-32
    Received: 24 June 2013
    Published: 10 July 2013
    Abstract: The effect of Solanum macrocarpon fruit on haematology, hepatic and renal function was studied. Twenty-five wistar albino rats were divided into five groups of five rats each. Aside the control group, the test groups were given compounded feed of ground Solanum macrocarpon fruit and normal (pelletized) rats feed. Results obtained for haematology, h... Show More
  • Seri-Bioinformatics: Emerging Trends and Challenges in Silkworm Research

    Punyavathi, Hosaholalu Boregowda Manjunatha

    Issue: Volume 1, Issue 2, June 2013
    Pages: 33-42
    Received: 30 May 2013
    Published: 20 July 2013
    Abstract: With the advent of genomic and proteomic research from bacteria to man an unprecedented data generated are pertinently analyzed and managed by the evolving science - bioinformatics. In scientific research, Bombyx mori L. is considered as a model insect for molecular studies along with the fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) and a central model spec... Show More